


[23:01]s [user]NTR Jake[/user]: Love your kinks - would love a con cheating play. Something like her dating another student who abhors drugs, drinking, etc - total nice guy - but this this asshole who regularly teams up with her in the gang invites her back to his place after a training session to get high, with it being very obvious what he wants. Works perfectly with instant loss too :)

[23:04] [user]Medico- DoHna[/user]: Oh that does sound like a lot of fun! I can see that going great. In terms of set up the only thing I think I would change is that she wouldn't be dating him but more that he has a huge crush that he hasn't acted on at all. Medico isn't exactly a recreational drug user herself but maybe it's more a case that the guy in the gang just asks her to deliver something and she turns up, fun pills in hand!

[23:06] [user]NTR Jake[/user]: I did see that on your profile, honestly I'm a bit burned out on the unrequited NTR, I'm more into NTR with a relationship. Is that a dealbreaker for you?

[23:08] [user]Medico- DoHna[/user]: Not at all! Just a slight sort of preference I have that feels a bit more true to character but I can go with her dating her an average civilian if that's the kind of vibe you wanna go for. And of course instant loss is on the table!

[23:10] [user]NTR Jake[/user]: Great to hear, thanks. I'm good to start us off, then, I think we're set - we've got a ton of kinks in common so I think we should be good to mix those.

[23:10] [user]NTR Jake[/user]: Marathon sex is a fave of mine so I'd especially love to include that too lol

[23:12] [user]Medico- DoHna[/user]: Marathon sex is great! That kind of swapping from position to position with a slow degradation is the best., I imagine it will be partially drug-assisted then? And would adding in some kind of video'ing element be too much do you think?

[23:15] [user]NTR Jake[/user]: Haha not even close to too much, that's one of my favorites too. And yes, I did have the drugs in mind - especially if she goes from refusing to outright shooting up (or plugging in?) with him. I'm sure they'll allow for the two to just keep fucking, removing a need to stay hydrated as well.. Things like phone calls to her boyfriend are also perfect.

[23:17] [user]NTR Jake[/user]: I like the idea of him having a bit of a relationship with her, like a partner in the gang or something - not romantic, of course, but maybe her man catches her finishing a job with him at times or something similar. So he becomes that guy who's 'just a friend' - and it's 100% true, at least until the scene.

[23:21] [user]Medico- DoHna[/user]: I think when it comes to drugs I do kinda like the idea of them kinda being pushed on her a bit. Like a rough kiss to transfer some pills over or maybe start an instant loss cut with him just having finished injecting something into her and with him already groping or ballsdeep or something equally dirty! But when it comes to being caught on the job, there is a distinction between her civilian persona and her gang one, there's a degree of anime logic in the sense that no one knows that they're the same person

[23:23] [user]NTR Jake[/user]: Sure, we can do that then - just the preexisting relationship, with her man not knowing a thing about him then. And we can definitely involve the drugs in the instaloss, and with him giving her some intermittently. I think I'm good to start us off then, let me know if you were thinking of anything else.

[23:29] [user]Medico- DoHna[/user]: Actually lets put a bit of a pause on that. Really hate to do this but something has kinda cropped up for me. Good to bookmark and get this stuff down into a memo right? 

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