











Using «програма» for "app", and not «застосунок» or «додаток».


Avoid using verb «є» + instrumental case constructions.


Mainly «щоб» is used, before consonants as well. Some linguistic sources consider «щоби» colloquial.


Yes, you can actually put an English version of a name (in my opinion, I would do that regardless of its complexity) in brackets once after its Ukrainian translation. Afterwards, there is no need to mention it again. I believe it is beneficial for end users to be able to search for an individual online using the original English name.


When we explain navigation through interfaces that are not localized in Ukrainian, do we need to provide approximate translation as we do now? 

Yes, the translation is usually provided when explaining navigation through interfaces. It is useful for end users to have an approximate translation if an app is not localized.


Following from the previous question, if we do need to provide translations, what is the preferred way to present it in the following case: 

Для цього виберіть Preferences (Налаштування) > Styles (Стилі). 

Для цього виберіть Preferences > Styles (Налаштування >  Стилі).

I would prefer the second option: Для цього виберіть Preferences > Styles (Налаштування  >  Стилі).

This option is cohesive and easy to read and understand.


Yes, you are correct. Angle quotes are used for Cyrillic words whereas standard quote marks are used ("...") for Latin ones. There is no written rule, however this approach is widely accepted in the Ukrainian market.


Yes, long dashes (—) are used instead of regular ones (–).


Yes, you should remove empty tags, as in your example.

You can also remove unnecessary or excessive tags, as you can see below.

Example: <b>У <i>Sevn</i> колір має вирішальне значення.</b> instead of <b>У </b><b><i>Sevn</i></b><b> колір має вирішальне значення.</b>


General feedback

• Please simplify wherever possible 

• Rephrase or split complex sentences for better readability

• Avoid several nouns in a row (засобом планування раціону користувачі etc.) 

• Use synonymous constructions for common phrases (він має → у нього є; [title] є чудовою грою → [title] — чудова гра etc.) 

• Be careful with academic/poetic/archaic words, especially in game descriptions


Assigned_02_06_Command & Conquer- Rivals_1445977657_BHM_UK 

Hyphen in onomatopoetic words 




Assigned_02_13_Gaming 101- Ninja Arashi_1396445143_BHM_UK

Non-existent word (Russian)

✖є відсилкою  до

✔— відсилання доотсылка&scope=all&dicts=all&highlight=on


Incorrect Genitive case

to suggest a resource to check casing


і — та — й interchange

to suggest resource with rules


Character limit 

Please pay close attention to name and short description fields.

You can check string length using this tool:


Name transliteration

Preferred spelling for Hemsworth is Гемсворт, not Хемсворт (that how Russians transliterate it)


Please use програма for app and treat застосунок as a blacklisted term.

Even Microsoft don't use it anymore. And they came up with this word.


Don't overuse copula verb є and is + instrumental case constructions in your translations. Rephrase.


Word choice

аби ≠ щоб

Please avoid using аби in the meaning of 'in order to'. Some linguistic sources assume that conjunction аби isn't interchangeable with щоб:

Badges - All caps. ~30 characters. (add no full stop)

Tags & Tag lines – (add 30 characters)

Be consistent.

Do not mix punctuation and grammar styles even if alternatives are accepted. Always follow a single convention throughout the whole text. If you must deviate from the reference style guidelines above for any reason then also make sure to follow your alternative convention throughout.

Avoid long words in space-limited fields such as story titles – on smaller screens this can result in each word taking up a whole line.

Be bold – don’t hesitate to re- write and reshape paragraphs to convey the spirit of the story, do not fixate on word-to-word accuracy (but don’t omit key details and information!). Localise, not translate.

Read the copy out loud. If it sounds like something you wouldn’t tell a friend, revise it.

Be mindful of the line between informal and colloquial – we’re on a "Ty" basis with our readers rather than "Pan/Pani", but we don’t want to put anyone off with excessive familiarity either.

Avoid diminutive forms (eg. pieniążki) unless necessary.

Use second-person singular to create more direct and friendly tone, but avoid using excessive amount of personal pronouns – if there's more than two-three per paragraph, consider rewriting.

If possible, use gender-neutral forms or alternatives, but don’t sacrifice the style and truthfulness – use prevalent and customary forms and remember the copy should sound natural when read out loud.

Avoid second-person plural if possible, you want to speak to each reader personally and plural tends to sound patronising.

translation of acronyms

Only first letter capitalised in headings (unless it includes proper names or other exceptions).



Consider using local equivalents or generic terms if it is unlikely that the audience is familiar with the brand.

Do NOT localise brand names if they are the subject or otherwise essential to the story.


Imperial units should be converted to metric almost always (miles to km, ounces to g or kg, °F to °C and so on).


Conversion will be either precise (100 oz = 2.84 kg) or rounded up/down ("about 100 ounces" = "prawie 3 kilogramy"). 100 yards could be 91,44 m, 91 m, or 100 m. Use context, intent of the original and common sense to decide.


Currencies should be converted depending on context. Similar rules apply. Unless context requires precision, round up/ down liberally. 15 USD is 52 PLN today but could be 45 or 60 PLN in a few months. If intent was to give a rough round number then 15 USD would best be rendered as 50 PLN.


як писати цифри (знаком чи словами?)



When localising dates and time use Polish format. Omit leading 0 for days 1-9 of the month. Do NOT omit leading 0 for months 01-09.

Always use 24-hour format unless AM/PM format is explicitly required.

In free-form text spell out the hour and use either 24-hour or "rano/wieczorem" convention depending on the context.

Centuries always with capital Roman numerals, never arabic.


General rules:

- Formatting tags only in main

text body and image


- No formatting in taglines,

titles, pull quote attributions.

- Do not add extra spaces

around tags, this will show as

double space in production.

- Do not add spaces anywhere inside the tags (eg. < /i>), this

will break formatting.

Italic tags (<i> </i>):

- For app names, tags

surround app name only. Do not italicise punctuation after app name. Do not italicise Apple app names.

- For foreign interjections or emphasis: when part of a sentence, do not include final punctuation mark. As a stand- alone sentence, include final punctuation.


Bold tags (<b> </b>): Typically only used to emphasise first sentence (or its part) in the story. Include punctuation.

If first paragraph in the story is heavily rearranged in the loc, always the first sentence/part is bolded - not the semantic equivalent of what was bolded in the original copy.


Italicize all app names except Apple apps.

Italics should be used for titles of books, albums and movies, but song titles should appear in quotation marks.

Latin genus and species names are italicised. Common (Polish) species names are not. The second part of the binomial name is always lowercase. Binomial name should be written in full unless commonly and customarily abbreviated.



Stuknij w opcję „Wiadomości” w menu „Mój eBay”.

Przejdź do menu „Mój eBay”, następnie stuknij w opcję „Wiadomości”.

Tap My eBay > Messages.

Menu items in Polish style quotation marks.

Use more descriptive style to describe menu navigation. It should sound like natural speech.



For unlocalised apps, provide translation of menu items in brackets on first reference. Do not add translation to subsequent references. 

Avoid neologisms unless firmly established or stylistically required.  

Do not verbify nouns, especially proper names (eg. Google). 


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