

select datepart(day, '2015-11-14')

select replace ('aaabbbaa', 'a', 'X')

select rtrim('abc ')

select ltrim(' abc ')

select substring('abcde', 1,2) --result 'ab'

Window functions

SELECT deptno, sal, job, ename,

row_number() over (order by ename),

min(sal) OVER (PARTITION BY job) as min_sal_for_job,

sum(sal) OVER () as [Total Sal],

LEAD(sal, 1) OVER(ORDER BY ename) as [Next Emp Sal],

sal - LEAD(sal, 1) OVER(ORDER BY ename) as [Diff sal with next emp],

sum(sal) OVER(PARTITION BY deptno) [Sum Sal By Dept]

FROM emp 

ORDER BY ename

CTE and recursion

--all employees whom 7839 supervises directly or indirectly

with emp_hierarchy AS (

 select empno, ename, mgr, 1 as level

 from emp

 where empno = 7839


 select e.empno, e.ename, e.mgr, level + 1

 from emp e JOIN emp_hierarchy m

                     ON e.mgr = m.empno


select * from emp_hierarchy

where empno <> 7902

--all employees whom BLAKE supervises directly or indirectly

with emp_hierarchy AS (

 select empno, ename, mgr, 1 as level

 from emp

 where ename = 'BLAKE'


 select e.empno, e.ename, e.mgr, level + 1

 from emp e JOIN emp_hierarchy m

                     ON e.mgr = m.empno


select * from emp_hierarchy

where ename <> 'BLAKE'



 cteCandidates (BusinessEntityID)



   SELECT BusinessEntityID

   FROM HumanResources.Employee


   SELECT BusinessEntityID

   FROM HumanResources.JobCandidate)






 HumanResources.Employee AS e

 INNER JOIN cteCandidates AS c

   ON e.BusinessEntityID = c.BusinessEntityID




Select pp.FirstName, pp.LastName, rate,

min(rate) over (partition by hd.name) as [minimum in its department],

rate-min(rate) over (partition by hd.name) as difference from Person.Person pp

join HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory hep

on pp.BusinessEntityID=hep.BusinessEntityID

join HumanResources.EmployeeDepartmentHistory hed

on hed.BusinessEntityID=pp.BusinessEntityID

join HumanResources.Department hd

on hd.DepartmentID=hed.DepartmentID

order by hd.Name, rate


Select count(pp.productID), ps.Name

from Production.Product pp join Production.ProductSubcategory ps

on pp.ProductSubcategoryID=ps.ProductSubcategoryID

group by ps.Name

having count(pp.productID)>20

order by count(pp.productID) desc


select * from information_schema.views


select e.JobTitle, rate

from HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory eph

join HumanResources.Employee e

on eph.BusinessEntityID=e.BusinessEntityID

where rate<(select avg(eph.Rate) from HumanResources.EmployeePayHistory eph)

1.        Find out number of clerks in table Emp.

2.        Produce a query that will output count of all employees, count of employees with not null commission, number of managers and average salary of all employees.

select count(*) [Total num of emps],

      count(comm) [Count of commission],

      count(distinct manager) [num of managers],

        avg(sal) [Avg salary]

from emp;

3.        For each department show number of employees, max, min, and average salary of employees. Show min, max, average but now for total salary (sal + comm). [Hit: convert nulls to 0 before calculations]

4.        Show department name, job and number of employees with certain job in each department. Show only those departments that have more than 3 employees.

select d.dname, e.job, count(*)

from emp e join dept d on e.deptno=d.deptno

group by d.dname, e.job

having count(*) > 3

order by d.dname, e.job

5.        For each manager show manager name, number of employees that he/she manages directly and their max, min and average salaries. Show only those managers who manage more then 2 employees.

select m.ename [Manager name]

   , count(*)

      , min(e.sal) [Min sal of Emps]

      , max(e.sal) [Max sal of Emps]

      , min(m.sal) [Min sal of managers]

      , max(m.sal) [Min sal of managers]

from emp e JOIN emp m ON e.manager = m.empno

group by m.ename

having count(*) > 2

not correlated subqueries

6.        Find all the employees who are in the same department as the ‘president’. (first find deptno of the department where ‘president’ works then filter out employees working in the same deptno)

7.        List all salaries which are equal to hisal in salgrade table. (produce the list of hisal values from salgrade table and then use this list with IN condition to filter by sal column)

select * from emp

where sal IN (

                   select hisal

                   from salgrade



8.        List employees’ names, jobs and names of their managers. For those employees who do not have manger in the name of the manager column output ‘No manager’. (use coalesce function to convert Null to ‘No manager’ string literal )

9.        Find employees with the lowest salary (who have salary equal to lowest salary).

10. select *

11. from emp

12. where sal = (select min(sal) from emp)

13.     Find employees who earn more than any (/all) employees in department 20.

select *

from emp

where sal > (select min(sal)

                           from emp

                           where deptno = 20


select *

from emp

where sal >ALL (select sal

                           from emp

                           where deptno = 20


select *

from emp

where sal > (select max(sal)

                           from emp

                           where deptno = 20


Correlated subqueries

14.     Find all departments without employees. (need to use correlated subquery with EXISTS)

15.     Find employees who earn more than the average salary of their department.

16.     Find employees who earn more than any other employee in his/her department whose job is not a manager.

select *

from emp e

where job <> 'manager'


    sal > (

                    select min(sal)

                    from emp e2

                    where e2.deptno = e.deptno



18.     Produce a list of all employees and for each employee show min, max, and average salary of all employees; max and average salary of employees in the same department.

select ename, sal, job

 , (select avg(sal) from emp) [Total avg sal]

 , (select avg(e2.sal) from emp e2 where e2.job=e.job )

from emp e

order by job

select ename, comm, coalesce(comm, 0)

from emp

where coalesce(comm, 0) = 0

--where comm is null OR comm = 0 

select * 

from emp

where manager is null

select ename, sal, comm

 , (coalesce(comm, 0)/sal)*100 [Percentage of comm from sal]

from emp

select count(comm), count(job), count(distinct job) from emp

select deptno, count(*), avg(sal)

from emp

group by deptno

select job, count(*), avg(sal)

from emp

group by job

select count(*), count(comm)

  , count(distinct manager) [Num of managers]

  , avg(sal)

from emp

select deptno, count(*)

, min(sal) [Min salary]

, max(sal), avg(sal)

,min(sal + coalesce(comm,0))

,max(sal + coalesce(comm,0))

,avg(sal + coalesce(comm,0))

from emp

group by deptno

select d.dname, e.job, count(*)

from emp as e JOIN dept as d ON e.deptno = d.deptno

group by d.dname, e.job

having count(*) > 3

order by d.dname, e.job

select m.ename [Manager name]

    , count(*) [Num of manged employees] 

  , min(e.sal)

  , max(e.sal)

  , avg(e.sal)

from emp e JOIN emp m ON e.manager = m.empno

where e.ename not like 'A%'

group by m.ename

having count(*) > 2

select *

from emp

where deptno = (select deptno

from emp

where job = 'president')

select *

from emp

where sal IN (select hisal from salgrade)

select ename, sal

from emp

where sal = (select min(sal) from emp)

select ename, sal

from emp

where sal > ( 

       select max(sal)

 from emp

 where deptno = 20


select e.ename, e.sal

 , manager

 , coalesce(

(select m.ename

from emp m 

where e.manager = m.empno


, 'No manager'

) [Manager name] 

from emp e

select *

from dept

where EXISTS ( select 5

          from emp 

  where emp.deptno = dept.deptno)












  ,(select avg(e2.sal) 

   from emp e2 

where e2.deptno = emp.deptno)


order by deptno

Report Page