


Date : 06 July 2023

Time : 0900H - 1130H

Venue : CNB Sports Complex Office

Attire : PT singlet + shorts + running shoes / swimming trunks + goggles

Sequence as follows :

0900 - Muster outside CNB Sports Complex Office

0905 - Warm up

0915 - Commence of sports (Swimming and Gym)

1100 - Cool Down

1115 - Wash Up


Personnel are not allow to participate if:

1. On MC for the past 3 days

2. Under medication.

3. Down PES.

4. Not in proper Sport rig.

5. Not feeling well.

6. FFI not cleared.

Other Consideration: 

1. All personnel are to do proper warmups and cooldown as to prevent cramps or stitches. 

2. Stay hydrated regularly. Breaks will be given in between sequence for people to hydrate.

3. Slow/stop or sound out if you not feeling well during training.

4. Don’t be late.

5. In event of rain, everyone will be going to the gym.

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