
The Fever about cryptocurrency is increasing, people have heard about it, and more and more people want to find more about it, and find a way to be a part of it. When blockchain technology came, so many things changed, for better, we say. So many businesses have improved, so many companies have started using crypto currencies in their work. The new ideas are coming every day. People want to invest in the new projects. We have the biggest tool in the world, and it is called the Internet. The internet is an enormous base of information where we can do anything. Internet has connected the entire world. One of these projects is Sparkster

What exactly is SPARKSTER?SPARKSTER is a decentralized platform that aims to democratize the application development process by improving functional software skills for users. With a large number of companies exploring the possible benefits of these decentralized applications, Sparkster hopes that Their vision of democratizing access to software innovation will help users translate their ideas into reality. This is in line with Sparkster's vision of providing software skills and tools to customers who want to leap forward by creating their first decentralized applications. Sparkster hoped that the following functions will help to cultivate the process of creating applications among many others.


Ideas are the currency of the future. We envision a future in which everybody can bring their ideas to reality. In doing so, they create financial independence for themselves, while contributing to their society in the process.


The aim is to empower the dreamer within each of us to innovate. We will achieve this by democratizing access to the tools necessary for innovation in the 21st century: software development.


Anyone can build a smart Software without prior experience.

It's very fast and reliable.

It is affordable

Made up of industry Veterans team with vast experience in blockchain technology and engineering.

Project has a lot of use cases.


Using the existing technology, apps building takes a very long time which may drag into months. This is as a result of endless coding and bug fixing which is stressful and cumbersome apart from being a complex thing to do. Compounding this problem is the fact that technicians use a method based on the old traditional method of app creation, while at the same time find it difficult to incorporate AI and smart contracts.

Considering the methods and processes involved, the cost is increased due to the time involved and the skills required for such coding and bug fixing. It is also prohibitive to build decentralized software because of the high gas price and the time length involved.


Sparkster offers a platform where users can build an app within minutes. On the platform, a creation of an app does not require much skill which means that anyone who has interest in owning an app can do so without any hindrance. This revolutionized the way of creating an app is cost effective and can be done in simple English terms. On borders can build all types of apps ranging from business applications that create new and advanced business experience to IoT applications that enable smooth interactions with the real world. All these are done without a code.

Sparkster platform also allows users to build smart contracts while also empowering knowledge workers to do more. All smart contracts will be made transparent, accessible and secure. Sparkster platform will give users rapid connection and control over their projects anywhere they are - using any device whether smartphones or laptops.

The platform will rejuvenate and bring to life the connected world - the kick - starter innovations, complex business and industrial applications. Sparkster will make all the developments visual and intuitively responsive. All a user has to do is drag and drop while connecting building blocks and a softer will be generated instantly.



The token of the Sparkster platform is the SPARK which will enable consumers to reward authors for their work and allow authors to contribute to the Sparkster marketplace. SPARK will be released through the Ethereum network and will be of the standard ERC20 tokens. Anyone can purchase the tokens except US citizens. All purchasers must complete the KYC and AML verifications. Purchasing of SPARK can be done using an equivalent amount of Ethereum (ETH).

SPARK is an ERC20 utility token built on Ethereum blockchain with the total supply of 435,000,000.

Token Details

Token Symbol: SPRK

Circulating Supply: 290,000,000

Token Type: Utility

Initial price: $0.15

Technical Specifications: Ethereum ERC20

Token Sale Date: TBA

Token Distribution And Allocation of Funds



Platform development begins


Internal platform beta release


Jan: Platform testing completed

Jul: Signed partnership agreement with Libelium

Aug: Signed partnership agreement with ARM

Oct: Performance optimisation completed

Nov: Private beta program begins


Jan: Decentralised cloud architecture planning completed

Mar: Decentralised cloud internal beta release

Apr: Public launch of fully functional platform

May: Launch of Sparkster Marketplace

May: File patent application to protect tech

Q2: Public release of platform for Arduino ESP devices

Q3: Public release of platform for ARM devices

Q3: Expects to be one of the first certified ARM mbed IOT platforms

Q3: Public release of mobile app supporting sensory input from mobile phones

Q4: Public alpha release of Sparkster decentralised cloud

Q4: Public release of full scale support to build AI powered apps


Integration of NEO, Cardano, Stellar etc. to facilitate payment transactions

Launch of coddles data warehousing and analytics platform for enterprise

Product Stage

Launched Sparkster Marketplace and filed patent application.

Token usage

Spark tokens can be used to pay transactions is Sparkster Decentralized Cloud


Be a part of this incredible project. Download the whitepaper for the full scoop.

Till next time…

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Author : Maniecool

Bitcointalk profile link:;u=1692995

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