Sorry, I love you ❤️

Sorry, I love you ❤️


I apologize, my love, for the times I've ignored you,

For not giving you the attention you were due.

In the hustle and bustle of life's daily race,

I lost sight of your importance, and for that, I embrace.

You were always there, standing by my side,

Yet I let my mind wander, my focus divide.

So caught up in my own world, I failed to see,

The value of your presence, the light you bring to me.

Your smile, so warm and inviting, would fade away,

As I drowned in my tasks, neglecting our play.

But now I stand before you, humble and remorseful,

Ready to learn from my mistakes, to change, and be more mindful.

For you deserve my undivided attention,

To be the sole focus of my affection.

Through moments of laughter and tears, side by side,

Together we'll conquer life's bumpy ride.

Please forgive me, my love, for the times I've been blind,

To the joy and the beauty you constantly remind.

I vow to cherish you, to always be near,

To listen, to appreciate, and forever hold you dear.

So let this be a fresh start, a new chapter we write,

Where I'm fully present, by your side, day and night.

I apologize once again, for the moments I've missed,

But I promise to make up for them, with each loving kiss.

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