

The Cosmos

I'd been in my new job for about three weeks and out of college for less than a year. My desk was covered in spreadsheets and financial reports, and I barely knew what I was doing. Let me rephrase that - I had no idea what I was doing. But I was learning as I went along and I knew I could fake it long enough so that I could get a handle on things. And I did. Eventually.

My name is Clay Burton. I'm 23 years old, just a shade under 6' tall, 185 pounds. I've got blue eyes and dark brown hair. I'm not sculpted, but I work out enough to stay relatively firm.

While I got acquainted with my job and the company, I also made time to get to know the college intern. Sophia Gilbert was her name. She was a 5th year senior at a local private university who was working the paid internship in order to help pay for school. I admired her for that and we struck up a friendship after a few days.

I had recently broken up with my college girlfriend. We'd been together for almost 2 years, but neither of us could do the long-distance thing. I had been out with a couple of girls in the past month, but none of them were all that interesting. Sophia was interesting.

Sophia was about 5'6" with green eyes, brown shoulder length curly hair and a creamy complexion. I estimated that her breasts were probably C-cups, and she had a firm looking but round bottom. At first I wasn't all that attracted to her, but as I got to know her I saw more and more about this young lady that piqued my interest.

The most interesting thing about her was her eyes when she talked to me. I'm not really sure how to describe it, but I would say that her eyes were "smoky" whenever we spoke. Almost like she was flirting with me without actually flirting. I thought that might just be the way she spoke to everyone, but I made a point of watching her with other staff members and that same look wasn't there. Just with me.

Being a red-blooded, 23-year-old, horny-all-the-time young male, I took it upon myself to push things and see where they would go. It didn't take much pushing, and in the end I was glad I did. She stopped by my office one day to chat and we talked about our weekends.

"So, Sophia, how was your weekend? Did you do anything fun?"

"Well, Mr. Burton, I was going to, but I didn't."

"Why not? And call me Clay."

"OK, Clay. My roommate wanted me to go out with her and some friends on Saturday night, but my boyfriend didn't want me to so I didn't."

"Maybe he wanted to spend the time with you instead."

"No, he couldn't, he was working."

"Wait, if he was working, why did he care if you went out?"

"Ummmmmm......let's just say he's a little possessive."

"So possessive that you would stay home and do nothing instead of going out with your friends?"

"Something like that."

"Hmmm. Maybe he's afraid some other guy would hit on you."

"Maybe so."

I decided to have a little fun. "What would you do?"

"About what?"

"What would you do if you were out with friends and another guy hit on you?"

"Probably nothing."

"Nothing? Really? A pretty girl like you is bound to get attention."

"Well, it would probably depend upon who was hitting on me."

"Ah-hah! So you're saying you WOULD cheat on him? Maybe he has a right to worry."

"He and I have had an on-again, off-again relationship for a while. It probably wouldn't take much for me to cheat on him and dump him entirely."

"Is that a fact? Like what would it take?"

"I don't know......maybe.....if a guy I work with were to buy me a Coke at break?" Sophia gave me that smoky look and grinned, then started to walk away. She was back after a few seconds. "And I'll probably go on break in about 10 minutes, so if you know of anyone who might be interested......" She wiggled her fingers and waved as she walked away. I was intrigued.

Eight minutes later I left my office and went into the downstairs break room. I wandered over to the vending machine and bought a couple of Cokes. Just as the second can dropped, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Sophia standing there, giving me another one of her smoky looks.

She grinned and said, "Would one of those be for me?"

"Maybe." I said. "Would you like one of them?"

"I believe I would."

"OK, let's go sit down over there."

There was only one other person, a lady from operations, in the break room at the time. Just as we sat down, she got up and left.

Sophia said, "I should probably finish telling you my story."

"Oh, there's more to it?"

She grinned and said, "Yes, there is. Soooo.....last night, I broke up with my boyfriend."

Hmmmm. This was getting interesting. "You did? And why was that?"

"Well, there were a few reasons. For one, I didn't like being told what I could and couldn't do. Two, we weren't going anywhere. And three....." She popped the top on her Coke. "I'm kind of interested in someone else."

I felt something on my leg. I looked down to see that Sophia had slipped her shoe off and was rubbing my leg with her bare foot. My cock responded immediately.

"Is that a fact? Anyone I might know?"

Sophia's foot went higher, rubbing my thigh. "There's a pretty good chance you do know him."

"Wow, he sounds like a lucky guy."

"Well...." Sophia's foot landed on my crotch, and her toes traced my cock through my pants. "He could be lucky. He could GET lucky. I mean, I'm not easy, but he could get really lucky with me."

As her bare foot continued to rub my now fully engorged cock, I said, "Careful, that thing could go off."

She leaned towards me and said in a sexy, low voice. "I'd love to make it go off." Sophia licked her lips and continued, "In my mouth."

One of my older female co-workers described guys my age as "young, dumb and full of cum." She was exactly right, because I was. And I was in danger of cumming right then and there in my khakis.

"You're really something, you know that?"

"I could be, if you'd give me the chance." She stood and said, "Well, my break is over. Think about it." Sophia bent down and licked my ear lobe. She saw the tenting in my pants and whispered, "Mmmmmm....just as I suspected....nice and big." And with that she walked away.

Needless to say, all I could do is watch her leave the breakroom, her hips swaying back and forth in a pronounced way for my benefit. She turned and winked as I watched the door close behind her. I sat there with my cock at full mast and I knew I had to wait until it went down at least some before I could leave.

After a few minutes of pretending to read an article I'd brought with me in my portfolio, my erection had deflated just enough to make it to the restroom without being too noticeable. I put my portfolio in front of my zipper and made it to the closest bathroom, one of the least used ones, and locked myself inside one of the stalls. I was alone, and my balls were about to burst. I unbuckled my belt, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants, and pulled my cock out of my boxers. Thinking about Sophia's foot on my cock, and then my cock in her mouth, I stroked myself to orgasm quickly. My legs were weak, so I stood there long enough for my head to stop spinning.

I left the restroom and went back to my office upstairs. I had to get my mind focused back on work, so I dove right into it.

Around 11:30 I got ready to leave for lunch to run some errands. Sophia decided to stop by my office, wearing a sinister grin on her face.

She said, "So, you got lunch plans, or are you just eating in the break room today?"

I said, "Well, I've got a couple of errands to run. How about you?"

"Oh, nothing planned really."

I felt like she was hinting at something, but she never would say anything. I asked her, "I'm not going anywhere exciting, but do you want to tag along?"

Sophia's face beamed. I'd never noticed how pretty her smile was, and she had beautiful pouty lips to line that smile.

She said, "Sure, that sounds like fun. You leaving now?"

"Yep, I am. Let me grab my keys and we'll head out."

I opened my desk drawer and took out my keys. I took my jacket off the back of my door and slipped it on.

"Oh," Sophia said. "I need to stop by my desk and get my coat."

"OK, I'll just meet you outside. I'll in the black Camry, third space from the door."

"Alright, I'll see you there. Maybe you could warm the car up for me?"

There they were again, those smoky eyes. Damn, she was killing me with just her eyes.

I went outside, got in my car and started it up. I flipped on the seat heaters and waited for Sophia to come out. Within a couple of minutes I saw her exit the side door and walk over to the passenger side of the car. She opened the door and sat down. Her dress rode up just a bit, allowing me to see a good bit of her thigh. Nice. Very nice. She caught me looking and smirked at me.

"See something you like?"

"Yes, more and more."

She grinned and said, "So, where are we going?"

"I've got to pick up my dry cleaning, then I need to run by the hardware store for a couple of things. I plan on picking up something from a drive-through if I have time. What do you feel like for lunch?"

"Um, I'm not all that hungry. At least for food."

I looked at her and her eyes were back to smoky. I said, "You're not too shy, are you?"

"No, why? Does that bother you?"

"Me? Uh, no, not one bit. I just never knew you were interested in me."

"Oh, I've had my eye on you since your first day. But until last night, I really couldn't act on it. Are you OK with me acting on it now?"

"Well, that depends."

"On what?"

"On whether you're as talented with the rest of your body as you are with your feet."

I saw her blush. That was a first. This was noteworthy. Maybe she wasn't quite as bold as I'd thought.

"You liked that, did you?"

"I think that was pretty obvious, don't you?"

She sighed and said, " was obvious. I liked your reaction."

My cock was starting to stir in my boxers. I looked over and saw that her nipples were hard and pressing against the fabric of her dress. Yeah. There was a mutual lust going on here.

I pulled up to the drive-through lane of the cleaners and picked up my clothes. As I was paying for my cleaning, Sophia said, "How long did your, uh, condition last?"

"Oh, for a little while." Feeling bold, I continued. "But then I had to do something about it."

I started to pull away from the building and Sophia said, "Really? Tell me more."

"Are you sure you want to know?"

She was so turned on she couldn't speak. She just nodded.

"Well......oh, I'm not sure I should say anything. You probably don't want to know anyway."

Sophia grabbed my arm and said, "I do, I do. You have no IDEA how much I want to know!"

I hesitated for a moment and said, "I went into the restroom and, uh....." I paused and watched her. Her eyes were wide with anticipation, her mouth was open, waiting to hear the rest. I said, "I stroked myself until I came. Hard."

I looked at her, and her face registered a combination of excitement and desire. She said, "That is so hot......mmmmmm.....I'd like to have been there.....but I couldn't have been."

"No, it probably wouldn't be a good idea for us to be caught together in the men's room."

"Well, that's not the reason. I couldn't have been there because I was, uh, kinda' doing the same thing to myself in the ladies room......"

She looked at me, wanting to see my reaction. Had she gone too far? I grinned and a look of relief covered her face.

"THAT'S pretty hot......did you feel as good as I did?"

"Oh, you have NO idea....."

"I mean, as good as you can when you go the self-service route."

"True. It's good, but not as good as.....well, you know...."

"Yeah, I do know."

Neither of us said anything until I got to the hardware store. I said, "I'll just be a minute or two. Do you want to go in or stay in the car?"

Sophia said, "It's too cold out there, so I'll just stay in the car."

"OK, I'll leave the car running. Just don't leave me!" I winked and closed my car door. As I walked from the car I looked at her. Her smoky eyes followed me the whole way.

I made my purchase and came back to the car. I opened the car door to get in and saw something in my seat. I didn't know what it was at first, but then I saw what it was and grinned. Sophia had placed a pair of panties on my car seat. I picked them up and sat down. I could see a damp spot on the fabric.

I said, "Did you lose something?"

"No, I didn't. I thought you might like to have them."

I put them to my face and sniffed the tangy aroma. I heard her gasp.


"You like them?"

"I do. But......"

She shot me a confused look. "But what?"

I said, "I'd love to get my hands, among other things, on whatever caused that wet spot."

Sophia squirmed in her seat and rubbed her legs. "Do you have any idea what you're doing to me right now, Clay?"

"I have a pretty good idea. Are you alright with it?"

"Yes and no. Yes, because I love it, and no because it makes me want more than I can have right now."

I'm not much into playing games with women. I'd been through that with girls in college and I hated it. I was a college graduate, out on my own, 100% grown-up. I preferred being direct.

I leaned over and took her chin in my hand, saying, "I know exactly what you mean." I kissed her lips softly, and she moaned quietly. My left hand found her thigh and I inched it up slowly. Her legs parted a bit and my index finger grazed her pussy lips. She looked at me and her smoky eyes had turned to fire. I pulled back and licked my finger. Her eyes widened again. I put her panties in my inside coat pocket.

As her breathing normalized, I sat back in my seat and said, "What would you think about getting together sometime outside of work?"

Still a bit shaken, she said, "I would like that. But I have class every night this week except for Friday, and I've already promised to go out with one of my girlfriends Friday night."

"OK, what about Saturday? How about we spend the day together on Saturday? I'll even cook for you Saturday night."

"Saturday? You know what Saturday is, right?"

I hadn't even thought of it before now, then it hit me. "Oh, um, Valentine's Day. I didn't even think of that." Most girls equated a date on February 14 with a relationship. I liked this girl, but I wasn't sure I was ready to commit to anything. My former girlfriend and I were supposed to go out this Saturday, but the breakup obviously trumped the holiday. She sensed this and sighed.

"Clay, we can go out Saturday and we don't even have to think about Valentine's Day. My old boyfriend and I had plans, but of course we don't now."

I laughed and said, "That's funny. Claire and I had plans, too."

She smiled and said, "So we can be each other's substitute Valentine's dates, only we won't be celebrating Valentine's Day. It'll just be a regular hang-out. What would you think about that?"

"I think that's an outstanding idea. What time should I pick you up?"

"It depends. What do you want to do?"

"Well, maybe you could go grocery shopping with me. I need to pick up a few things. We could go out for lunch or brunch, too. If it's warm enough, maybe we could take a walk in the park. Then we could go back to my apartment and, uh.....start dinner."

"I like that. A lot. Sounds like a date. Oh, I mean......"

I smiled and said, "It's OK. It's a date. I'm good with that."

I looked at the clock on my dash and said, "We probably need to be heading back to the office. There's a Sonic just up the road. Are you alright with that for lunch?"

"Sure, I don't want that much."

Sophia told me what she wanted and I ordered for both of us. We picked up our food at the drive-through and got back on the road to the office.

I asked her, "How hard do you think it'll be for us to wait until Saturday?"

"Well.....after that kiss....." She reached across the console and squeezed my cock with her right hand. "And knowing how big and thick this thing is......" She kissed my neck. "It will be torture.....but I'm willing to wait."

I let out a breath and said, "You may get attacked by me in a deserted stairwell before Saturday."

As we pulled into the parking lot and parked, Sophia said, "Is that a threat or a promise?"

I winked at her and said, "You'll just have to wait and see."

The rest of the week, Sophia and I inconspicuously flirted with each other during work hours. We almost got caught making out in the stairwell at the end of the day on Thursday. After she got out of class each night, she called me and we would talk for a while. I was starting to not only enjoy our conversations but also look forward to them. She was becoming more to me than just a sexy woman.

Friday night around 10:30 I heard my phone ring. I saw that it was Sophia and clicked on.

"Hello, Ms. Gilbert. What are you doing back so early?"

"Hi, Clay! Oh, we just went to dinner and then back to a friend's house to sit around and talk. I could have come home 3 hours ago. For some reason, I can't seem to think of anything else but our date tomorrow."

"Me, too. I'm really looking forward to seeing you outside of the office."

"So what are you doing?"

"Not much. I actually spent part of the evening working so that I wouldn't have to tomorrow. Or Sunday."

"Do you usually work on the weekends?"

"With this job, yes. I'm still getting my feet wet so I need to familiarize myself with things during my off-work hours."

"Would you rather just work this weekend instead of us going out?" Sophia said with a teasing voice.

"What, are you crazy? Heck, no. I'm looking forward to tomorrow. And, you know if....."

"If what?"

"This is totally up to you, so please don't get offended, OK?"

"I won't. What is it?"

"Well, if you wanted to you could pack an overnight bag and, you know, stay over tomorrow night. Like I said, I don't have anything to do on Sunday either....."

"Clay Burton! What kind of girl do you think I am???"

I'd blown it, gone too far. I back peddled. "You.....I's OK if.....I'm sorry, I......"

Sophia burst out laughing. "I'm kidding with you!"

"Whew! I thought I'd screwed up royally there for a minute!"

"All you did was answer a question I had before I even asked it. I'll be sure to pack a bag."

"Good, I'm glad. So, why don't I pick you up around 10:00 tomorrow morning? I thought we might go get some brunch first. I know a new place downtown that's supposed to be good."

"10:00 is fine with me. And brunch sounds really good."

We talked for another 15-20 minutes before Sophia said, "Well, I think I'm going to get some rest. You might want to do the same."

"Oh, really? Why is that?"

"Because I plan on the two of us being physically exerted by this time tomorrow night."

"So are you saying that I'll have to stop then?"

"No, I didn't say that. Remember, I'm sleeping over. I'm yours for as long as you want me."

"Do you remember my condition the other day in the break room?"

She giggled and said, "I sure do."

"It's back. And in a big way."

"Well, in a few hours I'll be able to take care of that for you properly. And you'll take care of me, too?"

"Remember how I licked my finger after touching you in the car?"

I heard her exhale and hiss, "Yesssss......"

"I plan on going directly to the source with my tongue. Several times."

"OK, you're killing me. Remember the damp spot in my panties? It's back. And in a big way."

"We'd better hang up and get to sleep so morning can get here. See you at 10:00?"

"Yes, 10:00. Good night, Clay."

"'Night, Sophia."

We both hung up. I said out loud, "That girl is incredible......."

I showed up at Sophia's apartment a couple of minutes after 10:00 the next morning. I knocked on the door and someone other than Sophia answered. She was gorgeous! About 5'4", blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail, tan, blue eyes and a more than ample chest. I guessed 36 D.

"Hi, you must be Clay. I'm Allison."

"Hi, Allison."

"Come on in. Sophia should be ready any time now."

Allison turned a bit to reveal that she had an incredible ass. I had to keep reminding myself that I was here to pick up Sophia. Besides, Allison HAD TO have a boyfriend. I tried to refocus.

"How long have you and Sophia known each other?"

"We met when we roomed together in the dorm our freshman year."

"Oh, OK. When do you graduate?"

"In less than 3 months, and I can't wait! I'm an education major and I'm doing my student teaching this semester."

"What grade?"


"Really? My mom is a third grade teacher, has been for 30 years. She's actually thinking about retiring next year. Too many regulatory changes in the classroom these days."

Just then, Sophia came into the room and said, "I see you two are getting to know each other." She came to me and gave me a peck on the cheek. "Are you ready to go?"

Sophia looked good. I mean, really good. I'd yet to see her in jeans, and she filled them out incredibly well. And her blouse showed off her breasts. My gaze was torn from Allison just like that.

"Wow, you look beautiful!"

"You mean I don't usually look beautiful?"

"No, that's not....."

She interrupted me and said, "I'm just kidding! Man, you're easy to mess with, you know that?"

I shook my head and said, "I think we should go to brunch before I have a chance to look stupid again."

Sophia took my arm and said, "You could never look stupid. You're too cute!" She gave me another peck on the cheek. "Well, 'bye, Allison."

Allison grinned and said, "'Bye, Sophia. What time should I expect you home tonight?"

Sophia picked up a small duffle bag and said, "You shouldn't. See you tomorrow!"

Allison said, "Nice to meet you, Clay." Her gaze seemed to linger a beat too long.

"Nice meeting you too, Allison. 'Bye!"

Sophia was still holding my arm as we walked to my car. She said, "Oh, she likes you. I told her how good looking you were but she didn't believe me. Now that she's seen you for herself....."

"Oh, she was just being nice. Besides, I'm not taking her to brunch and spending the day and night with her. I'm doing all that stuff with you." I stopped and faced her, then kissed her. "Now, let's go eat. I'm starving!" Sophia smiled at me.

I opened the passenger door and Sophia got into the car. I came around to the driver's side and got in, then pulled out of the parking lot in the direction of the restaurant.

"So, I've not been to this place yet, but a couple of the ladies in the office raved about it. It's called the Half Day Café, and they're known for their pancakes, crepes and French toast."

"French toast is one of my few weaknesses, Clay. Are you going to take me back to my apartment after you see that I'm a glutton?"

"Nope, but you have to promise that you won't walk out on me after you see how much I can eat. Besides, just like we needed rest last night, we also need food to keep our energy up. Right?"

Sophia smiled and said, "I like the way you think. And I agree."

We arrived at the restaurant. I got out and opened Sophia's door for her. She said, "If you're trying to get into my pants, you don't have to work so hard. I told you - I'm not easy, but I'm a pretty safe bet with you."

I laughed and said, "Even if that wasn't on the table, and let me say that I'm fine with it on the table, I would still open your door. It's the right thing to do."

"Well, I thank you, sir."

We walked inside and found a table right away. I had read that the busy times for them on the weekends were between 8:00 and 10:00.

The waitress came around and got our drink order. We both ordered coffee and the waitress said she'd give us a few minutes to look over the menu.

Sophia said, "Oh, my goodness! Everything looks so, so good!"

"I know, right? This is going to be a tough decision."

The waitress came back with our coffee and said, "What could I get for you this morning?"

Sophia went with the blackberry and raspberry stuffed French toast, and I opted for the cinnamon roll French toast. The waitress left and placed our orders.

Sophia put her hand on mine and said, "I'm really glad we did this! This is fun."

"Yeah, I am too." I said. "Oh, just so you know, I started part of dinner before I left this morning. I put a roast in the crock pot."

"Wait, you have a crock pot? I don't even have one of those!"

"What are you saying? That because I'm a man, I shouldn't have a crock pot? Because by having a crock pot, I'm less of a man?"

She had a panicked look on her face, feeling that she'd said the wrong thing, until I smiled at her. "No, you KNOW that's not what I meant. I was just surprised, that's all."

"When I moved to town after I graduated, my mom INSISTED that I take a crock pot with me. And you know what? I've used it more than once. Maybe once every couple of weeks. It's nice to start a meal before I leave for work and have it basically ready when I get home."

"Wow, you sound like you're really organized."

"Now do you think of me as less of a man because I own and know how to use a crock pot?"

Sophia reached under the table and patted my cock through my jeans. "Oh, honey, I KNOW how much of a man you are......"

"Besides, by getting that part of dinner going, we can spend more know....."

She winked at me and said, "I've been looking forward to you-knowing with you all week."

The waitress brought our meals to us. Before leaving the table she said, "Anything else I could get for you?"

I said, "No, thank you. I think we're good."

"OK, then, you let me know if you do."


"Mmmmmmm....." said Sophia. "Mine smells wonderful."

"So does mine. Let's dig in!"

We both took our first bite, looked at each other and we both closed our eyes.

I broke the silence by saying, "Wow. This is something else."

"So is mine. Better than sex....."

I said, "If you think that's better than sex, you must have been doing it all wrong."

Sophia winked at me and said, "Then I look forward to you showing me how to do it right."

"Should I go ahead and ask for the check so we can get right to it?"

She laughed and said, "If you think I'm leaving this French toast right now for you.....I mean, I would, but if we could just finish brunch.....this is SOOOOOO good....."

"I'm just kidding. I can wait. I'm not sure how long, but I can wait."

I lifted her hand off the table and kissed it. She said, "You're sweet, you know that?"

"My mama raised me that way."

We ate mostly in silence until our plates were empty. Not an awkward silence, more like a comfortable silence that included lingering glances and smiles.

The waitress brought the check and said, "What else could I get for you?"

I said, "Not a thing. This was delicious!"

Sophia said, "It sure was!"

The waitress said, "Well, thank you. You two will have to come back."

I looked at Sophia and then back to the waitress and said, "We'll do that."

Sophia smiled at me and put her hand on mine. I added a tip to the bill, then totaled it up and signed it. I said, "Shall we go?"

"Sure, I'm ready when you are."

We walked to the car holding hands and Sophia said, "Ugh....I am soooo full right now!"

"Yeah, me too. What should we do next?"

"You mentioned something about grocery shopping. How about that?"

"Good idea. Let's go."

We drove to the Publix not far from my apartment and got everything from my list, along with a few other things. It felt funny shopping with a woman. I'm pretty independent and generally don't mind doing things on my own. But this was nice. I enjoyed myself, and I think Sophia did, too. We got back to my car, loaded the groceries and got in to head to my apartment.

Sophia asked, "So, how far do you live from here?"

I said, "Oh, about 10 minutes. Why do you ask?"

"Wellllll......" she began, her hand moving to my crotch. "You know how you got a head start on dinner tonight? I want to get a head start on something else so that you're good and ready when we get inside your apartment."

"That's an.....excellent idea....."

Sophia ran her nails over my cock through my jeans. I'd been thinking about being naked with this girl all week, so it didn't take long for my cock to come to life.

"Oh, there it is.....oh, yeah......that's what I want....right..." she squeezed me for emphasis, "there......yeah....."

She unzipped my pants and ran her finger inside the zipper, rubbing my erection now through just my boxers. She found the fly to my boxers and ran her finger on my bare skin, quickly finding my head and smearing the precum around it. Sophia then removed her finger and I watched as she licked it off. This girl was hot. And she was ready. So was I.

I said, "I'm going to be ready alright. Once I set the groceries down inside, you can't hold me responsible for what I might do to you."

Sophia gave me another one of her smoky, lust-filled looks and said, "I can't wait....."

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