Something wrong

Something wrong

Who is a Cracker?

Typical Cracker

Cracker - is an incredible piece of moron, even move to his goal ass-forward.

What is mean?

Explanation. Without water


I was under the impression from my talks with Cracker that you guys will all provide the content for the site. Also, the site will be bilingual (English/Russian)? let me know please.


I apologize, we have a misunderstanding regarding the content of the site. Our team can adapt or improve Yours content for the site, then provide You the full site. But we can't provide, create or produce text content without Your providing text's and full information about Your company. Regarding your question - we can implement bilingual functionality. Do You need it?


Unfortunately, I feel that we do have a misunderstanding regarding what was promised to me about the website :( 
As per my earlier conversations with Cracker, I explained that I need to have a: 
1) Bilingual (English/Russian) simple, user friendly website 
2) Mobile friendly 
3) You will do the content for the site in both languages (Which I will be able to correct/add to since I will be added as an Admin) ... I provided as a basic example for content 
4) Marketing in search systems/social media
I guess I am a little confused at this point, because in my last email to you I provided information that needed to be added to the site..? 
Let me know how we can work together to better understand each other and make this work because when I open the website currently on my phone and on my laptop its VERY confusing (since none of the tabs can be pressed to take me to the next..)
Page 1- it says We are sorry we couldn't find the page you are looking for
Page 2 - You have changed the pictures but the "content blocks" are scattered and there are many blocks that probably are not really needed and none of the previous content info that I submitted has not been updated
Page 3 - The same as page 2...
Page 4 - The whole page is dedicated to "Contact Us"
Page 5 - The whole page is dedicated to "FAQs" 


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