

I am phyllis and i will discuss the safety related issue in the following part

There were some hazards when running the HZMB project, first of all, it is the physical hazards, according to the witness who were the workers on sites, there were some nepalese and local workers hving heat stroke, as they worked under high temperature of 39-42 degree celcius everyday

there are some chemical hazards too, according to the workers, he had to prepare his own masks as he saw

his masks went black in 2 hrs and in fact, the sites did not provide enough mask to them. There were only one to two exhaust fans provided which were not effective to cover such large areas in fact.

They also encountered some psychological hazards as they worked under long working hours from 5am to 10pm, they felt like they work as slaves to meet the schedules of the project


Last one would be the safety hazards which is also one of the controversial issue in this project, according to the source of

the number of 500 injuries and 20 deaths in total shows that the construction of the bridge does not provide a safe working conditions, 9 of them were hongkongers and some did not even have names on list and were passed away outside the border.


it shows that most of them fell into the sea from the high broken working platforms, wharf barges and artificial island. some of them hit by the falling rocks part of them were involved when they were working with the machines, like twining by the excavator or railing and safety cable

Looking at the reasons of the deaths, it raised awareness on the cause of the accident, as well as the liability of the contractors, especially on whether they have fulfilled the requirement on the guideline of occupational health and safety measures and concerns of different stakeholders aroused. this part will be further elaborated by my group mates later


there are some controversies on the break water too. technical problem raised the public awareness on the quality of the bridge that it is disconnected from the main structure showing by the drone cameras

it is found the there are mismatch between the design and the real situation, claiming that the breakwater should be placed higher to cover the perimeter wall of the artificial island, but in fact, it is placed randomly below the water.

some professional civil engineers believes that it increase the weight supporting and reduces the strengths of wave protection when the breakwater is not strong enough.

explanations from the mainland officials do not clarify the doubt clearly, as they said amendments of design in project is usual and it is intentionally placed randomly below water.

the quality of the bridge should be focused as it would affect the consumption to the users in long term where the bridge is considered as one of the mega projects.

I will pass the time to Kennis to discuss about the controversies of the bridge in environment dimension


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