


Edward Snowden


ID: _2916305152


✏️ 7052丨👥 5240597丨👁️ 1丨♥️ 716
📆 2014-12-11 21:24:28+00:00

# 1536357337438511104


2022/06/13, 14:38:28 · Twitter Web App

# 1535652381366558720

Gold is just bitcoin that can't be sent over the internet.

2022/06/11, 15:57:13 · Twitter Web App

# 1535623829078392832

"trump's sophisticated seven-part plan."
oh sure, let's bet the future of an entire party on a historically unpopular ruling class's ability to persuade everyone that the same guy who can't maintain his focus through even seven sentences was secretly a mastermind. this is wise.

2022/06/11, 14:03:46 · Twitter Web App

# 1535617987385999362

RT @ggreenwald _16076032: For Press Freedom Day in Brazil, @DavidMirandaRio interviewed human rights lawyer Stella Assange, wife of Julian, about the current state of the extradition, what people around the world can to to object, and the personal toll on the Assange family:

2022/06/11, 13:40:33 · Twitter Web App

# 1535616444028919808

RT @StellaMoris1 _1246440482760085504: NEW: Spain's High Court has issued an order requesting UK assistance to depose British lawyers spied on at the embassy, some of whom are acting for #Assange in the US extradition, but British authorities are obstructing the request for lawyers' testimony.

2022/06/11, 13:34:25 · Twitter Web App

# 1535616185600974848

RT @Dr_LCorredor: @suigenerisjen @privacyint @wikileaks Great remarks @suigenerisjen 👌👏 p8MU9gxeps

2022/06/11, 13:33:23 · Twitter Web App

# 1535616037894467584

RT @suigenerisjen _212163638: Important to remember that this case was made possible because of @Snowden and public interest reporting by @guardian @ggreenwald Laura Poitras and others.
We can’t act to protect our rights if we don’t know.
Thanks also to @BhattMurphy and @privacyint for their great work zywLk5Uia4

2022/06/11, 13:32:48 · Twitter Web App

# 1535607932657745931


2022/06/11, 13:00:36 · Twitter Web App

# 1534615670322872326

RT @BTnewsroom _1217207858435186689: .@AbbyMartin calls out hypocrisy of Sec Blinken: you lecture about press freedom but do nothing when Shireen Abu Akleh and Jamal Khashoggi, two journalists and US citizens, are murdered.
Why are you buying bullets for the worst abusers of journalists like Saudi Arabia & Israel? bP5DryhBNc

2022/06/08, 19:17:42 · Twitter Web App

# 1534267474186846209

every day this site has people just absolutely volcanic over something that will never matter
see you tomorrow

2022/06/07, 20:14:05 · Twitter Web App

# 1533082658254757888

@ymg_by · _1443114390509735942 : # 1533081995009458177

@ymg_by No. I don't have a @Telegram account.

2022/06/04, 13:46:03 · Twitter Web App

# 1533081624811823104

There were two phases of my life: when I was unable to get up in the morning, and when I had kids.

2022/06/04, 13:41:57 · Twitter Web App

# 1527008738799927297

kids Px3365GdQ9

2022/05/18, 19:30:28 · Twitter Web App

# 1527007373793103879

# 1527007278616002562

With two kids under two, it feels like I have forgotten the meaning of a "free hour." Even when they're asleep, you're planning or shopping or reading for them.
I don't know how parents ever get anything done.

2022/05/18, 19:25:02 · Twitter Web App

# 1527007278616002562

Children have their own gravity—one that attracts time.

2022/05/18, 19:24:40 · Twitter Web App

# 1526484033580027904

it works
m5l3hTRRY8 7Hxf5J9NQr

2022/05/17, 08:45:28 · Twitter Web App

# 1523367834696310785

Happy Mother's Day, darlin.
Welcome to the world, son. mvPIEEx21M

2022/05/08, 18:22:49 · Twitter Web App

# 1521573829881049091

Neither a law nor a court can truly justify the revocation of a human right; the most fundamental of our freedoms are inabrogable. The repression of such an essential liberty may be effective, for a time, but it cannot be legitimate.

2022/05/03, 19:34:05 · Twitter Web App

# 1521375759432138753

RT @evacide _14707266: I know that I say this all the time, but that’s only because it’s what gets me through the times when everything seems to be on fire.
No one is coming to save us. That’s why we have to save each other.

2022/05/03, 06:27:01 · Twitter Web App

# 1521374143479955456

Someone may have put a lot on the line to warn you of this. It doesn't matter who they are or why they did it: their role is complete.
What matters now is how you respond.

2022/05/03, 06:20:36 · Twitter Web App

# 1498049577131208705

I'm not suspended from the ceiling above a barrel of acid by a rope that burns a little faster every time I tweet, you concern-trolling ghouls. I've just lost any confidence I had that sharing my thinking on this particular topic continues to be useful, because I called it wrong.

2022/02/27, 21:37:06 · Twitter Web App

# 1495973677984362500

"A free press can be good or bad, but without freedom, the press will never be anything but bad."
As someone called worse things by bigger names, lawsuits against newspapers over hurt feelings—and even false claims—are not the answer. Won't fix people, but will harm rights. fGJPq4pJA8

2022/02/22, 04:08:13 · Twitter Web App

# 1495848959335706630

I don't think I've ever seen anything like that.

2022/02/21, 19:52:38 · Twitter Web App

# 1495835703468507142

RT @m_suchkov: ⚡️#Putin begins his address to the nation regarding his decisions on #Donbass

2022/02/21, 18:59:57 · Twitter Web App

# 1495529451249147905

RT @lilyslynch _410805006: whenever i see people in positions of relative power and influence punching down on anti-war activists i think about this image and i hope you do too bOV4C5Abzm

2022/02/20, 22:43:01 · Twitter Web App

# 1495518860543467520

@dstanglin · _15754742 : # 1495498719931904006

@dstanglin On the faint chance you were sincere, I'm not a reporter, but I have no reason to doubt Kevin's reporting.
If you were insincere, you could have saved time by looking up that I often defend Russians' right to protest and oppose crackdowns.
Also, exile was not a choice. Cheers.

2022/02/20, 22:00:56 · Twitter Web App

# 1495513105530503169

RT @olsongetty _159483882: A police officer stopped me this morning near my hotel in Ottawa and told me that I was in a secure zone and as a journalist I was not allowed to take pictures. I hope he was misinformed or it doesn’t speak well of press freedoms in Canada. WdMzGAoELE

2022/02/20, 21:38:04 · Twitter Web App

# 1495504694826913793

RT @mtaibbi: More of this, please, and in more directions.

2022/02/20, 21:04:39 · Twitter Web App

# 1495501113939968012

RT @maxseddon _349816997: Odd warning of possible terror attacks in Moscow and St Petersburg by the US embassy in Russia, which cites “media sources” – though a quick search reveals none. The Russian foreign ministry also seems unaware and asks: “what should we make of this?”

2022/02/20, 20:50:25 · Twitter Web App

# 1495486106921537537

"You cannot travel into the area unless you have proof of exclusion." lmol4xYRGR

2022/02/20, 19:50:47 · Twitter Web App

# 1495483579215790084

# 1495482879186505729

@charlesarthur @AhmedJAbdul1 @cancivlib Finally, I just want to raise the possibility that maybe the post-9/11 standard of what passed for legal process is not really the kind of thing we want to elevate and embrace as the model of the future.
Anyway, even if we disagree here, I wish you the best. Cheers.

2022/02/20, 19:40:44 · Twitter Web App

# 1495482879186505729

# 1495481899518726147

@charlesarthur @AhmedJAbdul1 The problem with your reasoning is you're inverting the burden of due process. The government is seeking to bypass essential limits for the purpose of political exigency, which no less than @CanCivLib says is very probably unconstitutional. Seems a mistake to dismiss it all.

2022/02/20, 19:37:57 · Twitter Web App

# 1495481899518726147

@charlesarthur · _5959342 : # 1495473707304763399

@charlesarthur @AhmedJAbdul1 With respect, one: I may have missed the footage of truck drivers beheading and burning alive lines of prisoners.
Two: For a man appealing to judicial process, you fail to consider ISIS members should not be countered by risk analysts at banks, but by proven criminal charges.

2022/02/20, 19:34:04 · Twitter Web App

# 1495477753323393030

RT @rushinge: They got you fighting a culture war so you don’t fight a class war.

2022/02/20, 19:17:35 · Twitter Web App

# 1495470944701325315

RT @LynAldenContact _823766058909761536: Custodial financial services allow governments to freeze accounts first, and then sort out who is guilty or innocent later.
Self-custodial financial services force governments to actually charge people with a crime before they can use pressure to freeze their accounts.

2022/02/20, 18:50:32 · Twitter Web App

# 1495469137170210818

@charlesarthur · _5959342 : # 1495466512873840652

@charlesarthur You seem to have missed the most important clause in that tweet.

2022/02/20, 18:43:21 · Twitter Web App

# 1495461291909160960

# 1495460828270714880

@cancivlib FyU84OJDXv

2022/02/20, 18:12:10 · Twitter Web App

# 1495460875951607808

RT @cancivlib _163922710: The national invocation of the Emergencies Act to deal with the current situation is unconstitutional and sets a dangerous precedent.

2022/02/20, 18:10:31 · Twitter Web App

# 1495460865285492750

RT @cancivlib _163922710: Today, we filed an application for judicial review in federal court requesting an order quashing the Emergency Proclamation and the Emergency Measures Regulations and the Emergency Economic Measures Order.
You can read it here: go0uQK2pdc

2022/02/20, 18:10:29 · Twitter Web App

# 1495460828270714880

Governments claiming the authority to *freeze people's bank accounts* because they want to crush a protest movement is tyrannical and obscene. If you would oppose China or Russia doing it, you must oppose Canada doing it.
Very glad @CanCivLib exists.

2022/02/20, 18:10:20 · Twitter Web App

# 1495098133738622993

Politics now ask you to define yourself by who you hate, rather than what you love.

2022/02/19, 18:09:07 · Twitter Web App

# 1494818918086631425

This possibility is frankly so terrible to me it is difficult to even contemplate. I still remember red scars on the streets of Sarajevo, the "Sarajevska ruža" remembering those killed by mortar fire.
Kyiv is bigger than Sarajevo. Than Grozny. Than Fallujah.
Just unthinkable. em5jKxZi3P

2022/02/18, 23:39:37 · Twitter Web App

# 1494801038339100673

@jimsciutto · _22129280 : # 1494799968477011975

@jimsciutto Ironically, I was just writing that in any event, I hope you'll refrain from the cheap "Russian-sympathies" argumentation in the future, because it is beneath you, and that I wish you the best in the future. Cheers.

2022/02/18, 22:28:34 · Twitter Web App

# 1494798860979511296

# 1494796253821034496

@jimsciutto @APDiploWriter The "intelligence," if it ever existed, was wrong, and the Feb 16th invasion in fact did not happen. I'm glad for that not because it meant I was right and I can dunk on someone, but because war was avoided. But as events develop, I become more concerned:

2022/02/18, 22:19:55 · Twitter Web App

# 1494796253821034496

# 1494794260478152708

@jimsciutto In case you care, I wasn't criticizing *the fact that it is covered,* I was criticizing the absence of skepticism in the whole "February 16th invasion." @APDiploWriter has shown many times you can still cover the news from the podium without being reduced to an instrument of war.

2022/02/18, 22:09:33 · Twitter Web App

# 1494794260478152708

@jimsciutto · _22129280 : # 1494783028199104514

@jimsciutto Yes Jim, it was very brave btw after the clip ends to attribute Russian sympathies as the root cause of any criticism of a total lack of displayed skepticism in repeating official claims. Persuasive and deeply professional.

2022/02/18, 22:01:38 · Twitter Web App

# 1494790734645501956

# 1494788386229563394

@nicoleperlroth I'm glad Kiev wasn't captured on the 16th. Let's just agree to hope it isn't captured any other day this year, and move on.

2022/02/18, 21:47:37 · Twitter Web App

# 1494788386229563394

# 1494785878870437893

@nicoleperlroth What you don't seem to appreciate is that I get I could be wrong in expressing skepticism. It risks public embarrassment, but when the entire media class's space for skepticism is filled instead with hot-cheeked panting, somebody needs to be the uncomfortable scold.

2022/02/18, 21:38:17 · Twitter Web App

# 1494785878870437893

# 1494784295545757698

@nicoleperlroth As circumstances have evolved, so has my position on the likelihood of conflict, as seen below. Meanwhile, you're still acting like paratroopers took Kiev in 24-48 hours this past Wednesday, which, you know, didn't actually happen.

2022/02/18, 21:28:19 · Twitter Web App

# 1494784295545757698

# 1494782545057177607

@nicoleperlroth My objection, from the beginning, has been that the "Feb 16th invasion" narrative didn't receive scrutiny equal to the gravity of the claim, and that was aggravated by outlets hyping it with an almost erotic sense of longing.
That framing made conflict more likely, not less.

2022/02/18, 21:22:02 · Twitter Web App

# 1494782545057177607

# 1494782267583090690

@nicoleperlroth You either don't know what a false flag is or you don't care. There are more and more examples pouring in by the day that could be (and even look like) false flag efforts, but your kindergarten is not one.

2022/02/18, 21:15:05 · Twitter Web App

# 1494782267583090690

@nicoleperlroth · _13404292 : # 1494706182501507073

@nicoleperlroth Really? Which part is wrong? Was there an invasion on the 16th that the NYT failed to report? Are you back to believing the kindergarten shelling was a precision strike (on the wrong side of the border), rather than one of the literally thousands of shells that have struck civs?

2022/02/18, 21:13:58 · Twitter Web App

# 1494454618822266880

# 1494454303221862406

@nicoleperlroth @Krasina15c I'm not saying there aren't efforts to create a pretext. I'm saying what you raised is not an example of that. To be honest, it's not clear to me anymore exactly what it is you're trying to argue at all. You complain about tone when you *opened* with hostility.
Good night.

2022/02/17, 23:32:01 · Twitter Web App

# 1494454303221862406

@nicoleperlroth · _13404292 : # 1494448751653502992

@nicoleperlroth @Krasina15c You're moving the goalposts. Again.
None of the above is related to the kindergarten you started this with. You've already ceded points 2) and 3) above. Point 1) is very easily confirmed by recognizing the OSCE has *years* of records confirming awful shelling events like today.

2022/02/17, 23:30:46 · Twitter Web App

# 1494444327506001927

@Krasina15c · _723673142 : # 1494440126465904640

@Krasina15c @nicoleperlroth I appreciate the gesture, but I don't think she's actually objecting in good faith here. It's just a posture for the crowd. Cheers.

2022/02/17, 22:51:07 · Twitter Web App

# 1494429455590334469

Harassing people over small political donations does not pass the public interest test. Did a ghoulish corporation or nefarious billionaire funnel $1,000,000 to protestors? Sure, expose them.
But chasing down grandma over her pocket money is a reprehensible violation of privacy. kiBxg1ZzUq

2022/02/17, 21:52:02 · Twitter Web App

# 1494423045380972550

@nicoleperlroth · _13404292 : # 1494410798927540235

@nicoleperlroth 1) Per the OSCE daily reports you seem uninterested in, mortar strikes on civ areas are not a new problem.
2) A mortar strike in *Kyiv-held* territory is obviously not a *RU* false flag.
3) There was no invasion on Feb 16.
I think we're done here. Good luck in the future.

2022/02/17, 21:26:33 · Twitter Web App

# 1494418441440272394

# 1494418014514688007

Context: 09hSNrFgmd

2022/02/17, 21:08:16 · Twitter Web App

# 1494418014514688007

Another unequivocal claim by Biden that the question of war has been decided.
I've been a huge skeptic, and I very much hope he's wrong, but he's putting generational credibility on the line in a way that worries even me. If he's right, stonewalling Minsk II is hard to justify. HqQ0UgjN1g

2022/02/17, 21:06:34 · Twitter Web App

# 1494398671512911877

RT @rj_gallagher _224698363: New: I wrote about the terrifying rise of "zero click" hacks - a method of breaking into a smartphone or computer even if its user doesn’t open a malicious link or attachment. ATo8vGrCOx

2022/02/17, 19:49:42 · Twitter Web App

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