sliding closet door guide home depot

sliding closet door guide home depot

sliding closet door fell off track

Sliding Closet Door Guide Home Depot


Not what you were looking for ? Your missing the little plastic roller, which sounds like is in the track.It is just a press fit.  You could try taking it out of the track, putting in on the pin, and then taking a hammer and "peening" over the top of the pin.  If look at the image above see on the pin with the roller has it's edges deformed bit.  Or just buy a new one, they're not expensive.Now there might be some reason the pin doesn't want to stay in the roller.  Are the top of the doors reasonably parallel to the track?  If not you'll have to adjust the door.  Adjusting bifold can take a few tries to get right because they also need to meet properly in the middle.  The edge of the closed door should be about 1/4" -3/8" away from the jamb.  The top has a screw that allows the pivot to move in and out.  The bottom is frequently a knurled pin and just sits in the bottom backet; lift slightly to adjust.  Some hardware requires a thin wrench to loosen a screw to move the backet in and out.

That should get you started.  Let me know if you need more help.  If possible post some pictures of the door closed. I have attached a picture of the door closed at the top, and where the door lose contact with the track (including the cylindrical piece it won't stay in. Thank you for your help Adam, Bifold can be a little tricky and it's a LOT more difficult for me to give advice without seeing exactly what's going on.  I suspect that the end of the door has to go up a little bit.  There should be screw in the track near the jamb.Take a pencil and mark the bracket on the track so you know where you're starting from.  Then loosen that screw and slide the whole things towards the jamb about 1/8".  See if that make a difference at the pivot.  Obviously you can't get too close to the jamb or the door will bind.Just as an aside, Johnson makes really good hardware.  It's kind of pricey stuff and overkill for inexpensive hollow core doors but if yyou're hanging heavy doors, worth every penny.

Hey,Thank you for sharing this. Doors and windows are very essential part of our home. They give safety, security and provide nice and unique look to a home. There are many sources available online for doors and windows, But impact resistant stuffs can be a great choice.Where can I buy gym mirrors? I’ve been asked this question more than a couple times now, so I figured it was time to throw up a little post with some suggestions. I’ll give you a handful options ranging from potentially free to moderately expensive. Obviously your budget and your willingness to spend time shopping around will dictate which option is best for you. First off, if you’ve already done some price shopping for giant mirrors locally and found out how expensive mirrors can be, don’t get discouraged. You can still have nice sized mirrors without spending hundreds or thousands of dollars on the hardware and installation. You may also be thinking you need more mirror than you really do. Let’s talk about it.

If you’re budget is so low you’re looking for free, you’re probably gonna have to deal with Craigslist. Search for homeowners, hotels, and apartments doing bathroom or bedroom renovations. What you want to be on the look out for are vanity mirrors and sliding vanity closet doors. Both of these are large and folks (homeowners especially) would rather have someone take it away than have to deal with the disposal of so much glass. I’ve also seen pretty large framed mirrors and old dresser mirrors for sale on Craigslist. They won’t be as big as a vanity, but you can find a nice sized mirror. To me it looked like these type of mirrors were being sold or given away mostly because they were old and unattractive. For our purposes though, a mirror is a mirror once you get that ugly frame off of it. Another option I’ve heard people have had success with is to go to a home improvement store and ask if there are any returned or damaged vanity closet doors you can buy at a heavy discount.

The stores typically have to write these things off at a complete loss ,so any sale is better than no sale as far as they’re concerned. Just have to be willing to ask. If you’re willing to get creative and spend a little time looking around, there are plenty of free and cheap large mirrors out there. For going the super thrifty new route, you can go to Target or Wal-Mart and buy those hanging door mirrors (approximately 12″ x 48″) and mount them side-by-side on your wall. Prices on these vary by quality, but are generally anywhere from $5 to $25 per mirror. I highly recommend that if you go this route you do not buy the cheapest $5 mirrors. These things are not glass so they are very flexible. If you cannot get them absolutely flush against the wall when you mount it, you’ll think you’re in a Circus funhouse when you look into them. There are frameless varieties of these inexpensive mirrors that are glass (usually very thin 1/8″ glass). They’re fragile and pretty tough not to break, but when you do get them mounted, at least it won’t be distorted.

In all honesty, while these mirrors will work, I strongly suggest you go with the vanity mirrors I’ll talk about next. New mid-size vanity mirrors are still pretty cheap and look so much nicer than a row of 12″ wide mirrors. Both Lowes and Home Depot sell a variety of inexpensive vanity mirrors that are more than suitable for a garage gym. For instance, Home Depot has a 36″ x 60″ mirror for $59.99 (update, I can’t find this mirror on their site anymore, but that doesn’t mean the store doesn’t have them. Call your store to find out.) Not a bad price at all for such a large mirror. You’ll want the 60″ to be the height obviously, so you may want a couple of them mounted side-by-side. Keep in mind you don’t need floor to ceiling coverage for a gym mirror. A mirror can be a foot and a half or more above the ground and still allow you to see well below your feet when standing in front of it. What that means is that a mirror should be anywhere from 48″ to 72″ in height.

Any more than that is unnecessary and any less is probably too short for the average person. The mirror from Home Depot I just mentioned, if placed 18″ above the ground, will have a total height of 78″. That’s more than enough for you to see both your feet, head, and anything you press above your head. So if you have two side-by-side, you’d have a total mirror dimensions of 72″ x 60″. Pretty big mirror for around $120. The best looking mirrors for your garage gym are going to be the same mirrors you see in a commercial gym. They are larger, thicker, and should be professionally installed. This is not the budget route, however it can be done for less money than you may think; especially if you’ve called a local glass company for a quote (they tend to be pretty damn expensive). The place I found to have the best pricing for mirrors with the installation cost already included is A&J Wholesale; better know as Gigantic Mirrors. You can order one mirror or a dozen, it doesn’t matter.

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