sleep science mattress manufacturer

sleep science mattress manufacturer

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Sleep Science Mattress Manufacturer


Old Bed Guy- The Truth about Buying Beds and Mattresses. Your complete guide to buying the perfect mattress. Must Read Posts For All Mattress Shoppers Need help buying a mattress? Read the  Consumer Reports Innerspring Mattress Ratings: Click here A MUST READ BOTH FOR ALL SURVEY TAKERS AND USEFUL FOR SHOPPERS ON THEIR OWN. Welcome to my Old Bed Guy website. I named this essay, “Mattress 103” because my intent is to provide you with an information-packed introduction to intelligent mattress shopping. I could’ve called it “Mattress shopping made easy”. But shopping for such a “blind item” is never that easy, even for a so-called expert like myself.  Your chances for finding what you need will be significantly improved when you are armed with facts you will learn in this essay. You are reading this because you need a new mattress and find the shopping process uncomfortable, unpleasant, or hard to understand. Or often all three and more. Mattress makers and retailers deliberately make the buying process more difficult.

The less that you know, the more money that they can make. If they let you discover how little difference there often is between many mattresses, profits will go down the drain. There are quality differences, but not as great as the price differences. My mission is to make it easier for you to be able to judge.... Tests and results from a reliable source...  If nature abhors a vacuum, opportunists are always ready to make money by exploiting the fears to be found in the minds of almost all mattress shoppers.  And that is the message I am trying to impart in this post.   The mattress industry as a whole, has intentionally made it as hard as possible to comparison shop for a mattress.... A wrong bed can aggravate back problem Chiropractor : Get the right bed!! Around one in five is in a bed that can aggravate problems with the back and loins. When a third of your life is spent in sleep, the bed one of the furniture, we spend most of. Still, we think too little of the ...

Ophelia Spring Mattress – 90 × 200   This is based on a spring mattress produced in Denmark. It also means that all mattresses from Ophelia today are produced in Denmark. This mattress is latex padded spring mattress that comes with nothing less than the entire 5 comfort zones, filled ... The key to good sleep The mattress – your key to good sleep Did you know that the mattress is the most important part of your bed? To achieve a good night’s sleep you are depending on a mattress that is optimal for your body and its needs. It can be difficult to know what ... Latex mattress topper Are you searching for the best latex mattress topper  for you or your precious little one? To provide the finest comfort  to you and your young one seem to be every parent’s primary goal. Even mattresses or any sleeping gears are strictly controlled in order to know ... Why sleep quality matters! Sleep quality matters Research shows that there is a connection between getting a good night’s sleep – every night, and good health.

The more comfortable you are, the less twist and turning you do, and the better sleep you get. Beds with foam mattress for ultimate comfort Foam mattresses and the advantages that they offer to persons suffering from sports injuries or arthritis have been widely heard of. The real comfort and luxury is achieved from having beds with foam mattresses together with satin sheets. However, if you have suffered serious injuries or you have disabilities, then ... Why memory foam mattress? SLEEP SCIENCE MATTRESS IS  UNIQUE – SHAPES AND SUPPORT YOU Sleep is one of the most important things regarding your health and well being. Make sure that you have the best possible chance to get the best sleep – every night. All over the world people are now skipping their ... Beds with foam mattress – a buyer’s guide Beds with memory foam mattress Memory foam mattresses are the specially engineered visco-elastic foam and they comprise of thousands of open cells which are sphere shaped.

When it comes to memory foam mattresses, sleep science foam mattresses are the popular choice of many. The design of these mattresses makes them ... Spring mattress vs foam mattress One of the first thing you need to consider when buying a new bed is the type of mattress you want to buy. For many years there  where only one choice and that was a mattress with springs and these were and still is really good. We will in no ... Best mattress for back pain Many people  these day’s have problems with the back. This can come from many different things like work, accident, carcrash and so on. But this can also come from having a really bad bed. The mattress is one of the most important things, and the best mattress for back pain ... Helix Sleep customizes your mattress to account for how you sleep, your body type and more. Here's how it compared to our old mattress. We spend a third of our lives sleeping. That's a truism we all accept—and neglect. The fact is, few us are geting the right kind of sleep—quality, deep sleep that repairs bone and muscle, boosts the immune system, and ensures we wake up energized.

Plenty of modern mattress-makers like Casper and Leesa offer to get us there by promising us the perfect mattress. But bed startup Helix Sleep says no such straight-from-the-factory mattress exists or will ever exist. Their counteroffer: a bed that you can customize, in your home, to fit your body and accommodate your sleeping preferences. Helix Sleep’s founders—Jerry Lin, Kristian von Rickenbach and Adam Tishman—started their company on a single premise: Each sleeper needs a fully tweakable mattress to account for all sorts of physiological and sleep-behavioral nuances. (Those who sleep on their stomachs, for instance, need firmer support than do back-snoozers.) By filing out an extensive questionnaire, Helix matches beds to sleepers. “There are a number of important metrics we take," says von Rickenbach. "We tend to categorize them across physical body type, sleeping style and personal preference." Height and weight offers up your body mass index (BMI). Helix also looks at body type.

"Someone with broad shoulders and an athletic build," she says, "would have a different manner of pushing into the bed than if someone who is tall and narrow." Temperature regulation is an important part of building a better mattress Your sleeping style (ie, the position you sleep in) dictates how your body pushes into the bed. “The personal preference category relates to feel," says von Rickenbach. How soft or firm does the bed feel for you? Temperature, too, plays a roll. Do you tend to get hot or at cold while you sleep? An underrated feature of beds, which can regulate temperature, is airflow through the mattress. Better regulation through airflow, theoretically, leads to a better night's sleep. And then there's something called Point Elasticity. Point Elasticity is the ability of the mattress to accept a part of you that pushes in at a specific point "That's the ability of the mattress to accept one part of you pushing in at a specific point, and still be able to support a part of you that’s pushing in less," says von Rickenbach.

So the mattress made for to the broad-shouldered athletic person would accept a shoulder pushing into the bed and still evenly support the lighter resting torso and hips. But do all these metric really make a difference? I decided to find out. The Helix arrives on your doorstep in a hexagonal tube. While the tightly-packed tube makes maneuvering the box into your door and across your home fairly easy, it weighs a hefty 70 pounds—which feels even heavier when making your way along three flights of stairs. Good luck to anyone in an apartment walk-up. New Helix mattresses arrive rolled up in a box. Stripping the plastic allows the bed to unfurl and begin inflating Opening the Helix box and deploying the bed is simple. Just rip open the top and slide out the plushy, rolled up goods. I’d recommend a second pair of hands for helping you though. It is still a 54-inch by 75-inch mattress. I opted for the "Full" size, which goes for $800. Mattresses start at $600 (depending on size) and those with significant others can customize each half for an extra $100.

Using an included cutter, clearly indented lines show buyers where to slide to start cutting their mattress out of the tight plastic casing. Once the plastic is cut, the mattress inflates on its own. According to co-founder Jerry Lin, "the combination of materials we use—latex, microcoils, and high quality polyfoam—allow for the mattress to quickly inflate back to its original shape." I was told it would take one to two hours for this. But it was risen and ready in about 45 minutes. After it inflated, the mattress was ready to use! Before receiving the mattress, I had filled out a profile on the company's website, entering in my height, weight, gender, body shape, and various sleep preferences. (Do I like a soft or firm mattress, for example, or do I find I get hot at night? I like firm and no, I don't overheat.) When I laid down on it that first night, I immediately felt a difference. How i customized my Helix mattress I tend to sleep on my stomach. So I chose a mattress that accounted for that.

I have a relatively slim figure, another detail Helix takes into consideration. Age range is also an important metric. Knowing I'm a twenty-something millenial, Helix likely made a bed fit for a snake person. If I could go back and change one metric, it would be the feel of the mattress. Helix's preferences work on a 7-point scale, from "Very Soft" to "Very Firm"—the most popular being “medium firm.” I chose badly for my sleep preferences. I selected “medium" assuming it was a good all-around option. Though with an athletic build I should have gone firmer. With even one preference point below the average, the bed felt...a little too plush. While my back felt better in the mornings, the first few minutes of getting in bed at night reminded me of my regretful decision. But the feel of the bed was only part of the equation. Fitbit Sleep Data For One Night Fitbit gathers data on time awake, time slept and time you spent restless during the night. See all seven days worth of data for both beds in the slideshow below.

Fitbit's wearable fitness trackers can track sleep. So I used the company's Charge HR to do just that. Comparing a week’s worth of sleep data (included in the slideshow at the bottom of this review) on my old 15+ year old Simmons Beauty Rest mattress bed with seven days on the Helix (also included below), I found something surprising: Not much had changed. I added up the restless moments-per-night between both sets and discovered they were nearly identical: 67 times restless on my old bed and 66 times on the Helix. My sporadic sleep schedule probably didn’t help: i.e.: occasionally returning home late from events or random bedtimes on weekends. Which likely says more about me than it says of either of the beds, though both weeks had their own weekend nights and industry events. After I got my data in order, Helix clued me into why I might have seen such similar results. Turns out it can take up to three weeks to notice a difference from an old mattress to a new one.

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