should i buy a foam mattress

should i buy a foam mattress

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Should I Buy A Foam Mattress


I've had the Total Protection Mattress Pad for my i8 queen size bed since I bought my bed in 2010. It adds to the comfort the of the bed while adding protection for the mattress. Great product!– Sergio R.Chicago, ILI need to buy new mattresses. Which are environmentally better: foam (100 percent plastic), latex (assuming plant origin, not petrochemical), or horsehair and springs (I’m certain the horses did not surrender their hair willingly)? I firmly believe one’s bed should be a true getaway, a peaceful place to escape from the world and lose oneself in happy dreams. It’s no place for worries about toxic chemicals, non-renewable resources, animal cruelty, or king-size environmental footprints. So if you’re in the market for mattresses, choosing the eco-friendliest one you can is a great way to go. Let’s line up the options and give them a good bounce — I don’t want you to lose any sleep over this decision. Polyurethane foam is very common in the mattress world;

it’s found in straight-up foam mattresses, memory foam (aka viscoelastic foam, a high-density polyurethane) mattresses, and sandwiched into innerspring models that also contain nylon, polyester, and steel springs. You note one problem with the stuff already, Caroline — it’s (nonrenewable, petroleum-based) plastic. Another issue with PU foams is that they off-gas volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which loyal readers will recognize as vile chemicals that can cause everything from headaches to cancer. On top of that, there’s the flame retardant issue. Here in the States, we are customarily offered beds, furniture, and plenty of other household items legally soaked in dangerous chemicals to keep them from going up like torches in the event of a house fire. These chemicals have terrible effects on our health. There has been good news on this front lately: The worst of them have been phased out of production, and new regulations that went into effect last year let furniture makers skip some flame retardants.

But older foam mattresses (pre-2007) might have them, and baby mattresses are even more likely to be treated. Doesn’t exactly make for sweet dreams, does it? For all these reasons, foam mattresses aren’t going to win any green contests. If you do end up with one, letting it air out on a deck or in a garage for several days will reduce the VOC problem. And did you know that it’s possible to obtain a flame retardant-free mattress legally — with a doctor’s note? The things I learn writing this column. So on to your next suggestion: latex, which can be made synthetically or from the sap of rubber trees. The natural variety is indeed a renewable resource, and it’s flame-resistant by nature, so it often comes without the chemical cocktail (with these, manufacturers can comply with fire-safety laws by including a wool layer — another naturally fire-resistant material). That makes them a better choice, but be aware that most of these mattresses are made from a blend of natural and petro-style latex for durability.

This brings us to the other (bedroom) suite of natural mattress-stuffers: horsehair, wool, and cotton. You don’t hear much about horsehair mattresses (at least, not on this side of the pond) because they’re often extremely expensive — we’re talking $10,000 up to $80,000. In fact, let’s not even get into where the horsehair comes from (OK, slaughterhouses, most likely): If you are even considering buying one of these, I implore you, purchase one of the other two all-natural options instead and donate the rest of that cash to your environmental nonprofit of choice. You’ll sleep better at night, I promise. May I point you to wool and cotton instead? Wool mattresses are favored among the green set because they’re renewable and, as we discussed, naturally flame-resistant. Go for brands that come from organically raised, humanely treated sheep for extra bona fides (look for California-produced PureGrow Wool). Likewise, cotton mattresses are plant-based (and often get their flame resistance from a wool wrap);

go for organic cotton to minimize the impact of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. The downside of these natural options? They ain’t cheap (though they aren’t horsehair-level extravagant). No matter which stuffer you choose, look for a quality, durable mattress that will last — the longer its life, the smaller the overall impact of your sleeping habits. And as for the mattresses you’re replacing, Caroline? Do consider finding a recycling facility for them. Many of a mattress’s components can (and should) be made into fresh new items. Then treat yourself to a nap on that new bed. All this comparison shopping can be exhausting.Where can I buy a cheap memory foam mattress for a twin size bed? Since memory foam mattresses can be significantly compacted, one can actually buy mattresses online for a reasonable price and shipping cost. Amazon, Overstock and other online retailers offer a wide variety of mattress sizes and types, all eligible for FedEx or UPS shipping to the customer's home.

What are the top rated Hampton Rhodes mattresses? What is memory foam? What are some highly rated mattresses on Consumer Reports as of 2015? When a memory foam mattress arrives from an online retailer, it is usually rolled into a tight cylinder and vacuum-sealed. Carefully cutting through the plastic packaging and any straps will allow the mattress to unroll, and it will expand and flatten out gradually over 24 to 48 hours. While online retailers can offer very good prices on mattresses, they cannot allow the customer to test them out. It is wise to look for a mattress with a money-back guarantee in case it does not prove suitable. Learn more about Beds & Mattresses How much bigger is a full bed compared to a twin size bed? The mattress for a full bed is 54 by 75 inches, which is the same length as a twin bed but 15 inches wider. A twin bed gives a sleeper the minimum required... What types of mattresses does Kingsdown make? Kingsdown makes memory foam, foam coil, latex foam, intelligent and innerspring mattresses.

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