Shoujo Ramune

Shoujo Ramune


[🇯🇵] 小女ラムネ


Based on the erotic game by Tanuki Soft.
It’s been a few months since Kiyoshi quit his job to fulfill his dream of running a dagashi-ya in the outskirts of Tokyo. He wanted to live the rest of his life watching little girls. His plan was a success, with the kids from the nearby school visiting his shop every day and talking with him happily like friends. However, soon after summer vacation started, he noticed one of his usual customers, Chie, stealing some candies. Even though it wasn’t much of a loss, he couldn’t let it slide. When he questioned her, she said that she’ll make up for it by working part-time at his store. Thus begins his summer vacation with small girls.
(Source: Hau~ Omochikaeri!)

Main Characters:

Komako Semenovich

🇯🇵 セメノビッチコマコ

Character ID: 89937

About Character and Role:

Chie's half-Japanese, half-Russian friend who often visits the candy shop with her. She has lived in Japan for a long time and thus, is fluent in Japanese. When Komako transferred to the school, she was bullied by the boys for her appearance, but the situation was handled by Chie and nowadays she's also friends with her ex-bullies. She calls the protagonist "oji-san".

Tenka Adachi

🇯🇵 足立甜花

Character ID: 89936

About Character and Role:

A girl who has recently moved from the city due to her parents' circumstances. She claims she isn't lonely, while in reality she is, and doesn't get along with Chie who often tries to interact with her. Tenka admires idols a lot and thus, comes often to the candy store to buy idol cards. She calls the protagonist "oji-san".

Chie Sayama

🇯🇵 狭山千恵

Character ID: 89935

About Character and Role:

A girl who is a regular of the candy shop and lives quite close to it. She is popular in her class due to her cheerful personality, and she plays with the boys and girls alike. She calls the protagonist "onii-chan".

Kiyoshi Tachikawa

🇯🇵 立川清

Character ID: 160953

About Character and Role:

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Started On: 7/10/2016


• Mary Jane

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