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Shop Lego 4204


Suche mit den anderen Bergarbeitern nach Gold! Im Bergwerk wimmelt es von Bergarbeitern, die ununterbrochen nach Gold suchen! Breche das Gestein mit der riesigen Bohrmaschine auf und transportiere die Brocken mit dem Bergwerkszug aus dem Bergwerk heraus. Verlade sie anschließend mit dem Kran auf das Förderband und transportiere sie mit dem Lastwagen ab! In dem Tresor kannst du dein Gold sicher aufbewahren. Hilf den Bergarbeitern dabei, noch mehr Gold zu finden und sprenge dich mit dem Dynamit durch das Gestein! Mit 4 Minifiguren: Team-Chef, Kranfahrer, Bohrmeister und Lastwagenfahrer. Mit 4 Minifiguren: Team-Chef, Kranfahrer, Bohrmeister und Lastwagenfahrer Enthält Bergwerk, Bohrer, Lastwagen und Kran Zubehör umfasst 3 Dynamitstangen, (1 davon mit Zeitschaltuhr), 2 Zünder, 2 Gesteinsbrocken mit jeweils 6 Goldklumpen, 36 kleinere Steine in unterschiedlichen Farben, 2 Goldbarren, Explosionswarnschild, Aufbewahrungsbox, Presslufthammer, Zaun mit Warnlichtern, Schubkarre, Besen, Schaufel, Spitzhacke, Funkgerät und Kaffeetasse

Das Bergwerk enthält einen Zug, Schienen, eine Bergwerkstür, einen Tresor und ein funktionstüchtiges Förderband Der Bohrer verfügt über eine Rotationsfunktion Der Kran verfügt über ein drehbares Führerhaus, einen beweglichen Arm und eine absenkbare Schaufel Der Lastwagen verfügt über ein beweglich angebrachtes Führerhaus Bohre nach den Goldklumpen! Transportiere das Gestein mit dem Zug ab! Lade das Gestein mit dem Kran auf das Förderband! Schließe das Gold im Tresor ein! Das Bergwerk ist mehr als 25 cm hoch, 25 cm breit und 56 cm lang Der Bohrer ist 8 cm hoch, 7 cm breit und 16 cm lang Der Lastwagen ist 8 cm hoch, 7 cm breit und 16 cm langVEX Robotics Pick & Drop Ball Machine Build the Pick & Drop™ from over 400 VEX® Robotics pieces! Compatible with education VEX IQ pieces Collect all VEX Robotics ball machines 3 sophisticated grabber hands STEM based construction kit Features two alternate builds

Ages 8 years and up Click Here to Download VEX ROBOTICS PICK & DROP BALL MACHINE Instructions Ok but does not drop the balls Does not drop the balls The pieces are so solid and clip together so well. My 10 year old has always had trouble with lego as he uses too much force and can't moderate it, this was perfect! It took him 4-5 hours over a few weeks to complete and most parts he could do completely by himself. Great, Fun Built, Precision Parts, Fantastic Project I love this pick up and drop machine. Hours of fun building this machine. Turned into a fantastic device that demonstrates some factory or automated mechanics of a machine like this. I was a bit skeptical about this from other reviews around the web. Having issues with it working, but I was able to get mine to work as it was intended. I found I some of the issues others had wrote about. But with some debugging of my work, I found I had not completely put some components together properly.

Also, in building the arm I had not correctly followed directions and caused issues, but was able to easily rectify that issue. Also, you have to watch the timing on the arm gearing. It provided a great building and troubleshooting platform. Precision made parts, all of them. No real issues with the mechanics that couldn't be debugged and fixed. The only issues I actually had was with packaging. -The box doesn't stay closed very well. This caused an issue at the store. As some of them got dumped, which I didn't know. I had to return to the store to find a kit that actually had all its parts bags. -The other issue I had, was that it didn't come with any instructions. Although, it is almost 100 pages long, just for the Pick and Drop alone. Good in so many ways...then the dealbreaker. The good: my son has poor finger strength and this was certainly a good workout for him. The instructions (which I had to download b/c none were in the box) were adequate so that he could build it with very little help from me (in fact, he got it right more times than I did, so I left him alone).

After many hours of building, everything worked---kind of. The balls fall off a lot, the collection of bars on the right (which appears to do absolutely nothing right now) could be modified to block that, but my son only wanted to stick to the instructions. Perhaps the print version would have had a different placement. But the absolute worst part is that the claws get hung up on the little acetate window that holds the balls in. I made a new one out of acetate I had in the house, but my son refused to use my better modeled one b/c it didn't come with the kit. So, please, VEX Robotics, please build this kit yourself and troubleshoot that component and fix it. With the amount of frustration caused by his finished model not working, I'm not sure I'll buy another kit. I was able to use the experience to illustrate why scientists must go through a testing and redesign phase when creating new things, but he's still angry about the whole thing. So angry we had to take it away from him, which is a shame after all his hours of building.

We'll give it back when he accepts that the design is flawed, not something he did wrong, and the emo dies down a bit. But seriously, make the holes bigger on the acetate so it doesn't buckle and catch the balls, make it a bit shorter and/or give it a slight bend (toward the ball ramp) so that the claws don't snag on it. That acetate window caused such a great project to turn ugly. Fix this one thing, and I'd give it 5 stars! It really is a cool machine and illustrates so many science principles (matter in motion: push/pull, gears, levers, gravity, friction, etc). good build, does not quite work. Is not good at picking up balls. Seems to be a few MM short. You may also be interested in the following product(s) VEX Robotics Hexcalator Ball Machine VEX Robotics Forklift Ball Machine VEX Robotics Screw Lift Ball Machine VEX Robotics Hook Shot Ball MachineLego City: Space Moon Buggy 3365£22.00Explore the lunar landscape with this super 6-wheeler that was made for the moon!

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