


! 56k in 1 hour… yup, this screen-shot has caused a hella tonne of attention, controversy, confusion, motivation and also a very small insignificant amount of hate… Haters gonna hate and trollers gonna troll!

There are so many unrealistic expectations in this industry and tonnes of newcomers think ecom is some sort of get rich quick scheme so we want to do a bit of good for the community to let you know what is realistic to expect over your ecom journey:

In regards to the screen-shot, let's demystify:

- Do me and my business partner AuctionAleks do 56k an hour regularly? faaark NO, jeebs, that would be crazy. I'm sure there are some underground players that do though

- Is 56k per hour sustainable? You would need some fkin ace PayPal accounts and stripe accounts (or other payment gateways to pull that off and merch accounts). Not saying it's not possible but it's hardly for mere mortals

- What did we sell to hit this? We drop shipped high quality projectors/proximas to affluent audiences but our AOV was balling with high ticket, +-1700 dollars.. DS and high quality typically do not go hand in hand… or is that just another myth GURUs have create?? Lol!!

- Was it profitable? Hell fkin yes, 2.5k ad spend with 56k turnover but see the below important point!! 🎩

- IT WAS JUST A TEST, not sustainable! If it was, we would have carried on all day right?

- But how did you get that ROAS? We were part of beta testing traffic... sadly it's now public 

- Most important, big screen-shots and big days do not mean anything without the profit margins, unless you want to push a crazy amount of volume

What is realistic in general in eCommerce:

- Can a nubile do 100k a month in their first month? Yes, VERY possible with the right guidance and supportive people around them!! And… don’t forget some decent capital 


- Can a nubile do 100k a month in their first month with high net profit? This is more unlikely, when you first start you can get bitten so many ways! Some of the businesses we are helping are smashing goals straight outta the gate but I would not say this is a typical results

- Could you do a million dollars turnover in your first year? Quite plausible with ECOM! Again, can't tell you what net margins you will do but our new to ECOM clients are smashing 400k months in the first few months, lots of variables go into it but definitely possible

- What should your business look at by year 3 or 4? Assuming you have taken massive action and tested yourself, You are likely rolling at least 1 mill turnover per month with 15% to 55% net margins

- Is a million dollar month possible with drop-shipping? Yes definitely but personally, we mix it up, we DS about 70%, stock & white label about 25% and custom manufacture the remainder

- As an example of how quickly ecommerce can take off here are some of results:

… Zero to 500k USD in under 30 days on a brand new store

… Zero to +700k USD in under 30 days on a brand new store

… MAXED out at 80K day

… 56 K an hour… just a test


Some additional tips we have shared before that can help with FB ADS that we do:

- 7day 1 click

- For tracking we used Facebook integration

- With just 1 pixel on site don't have 100x pixels on the site it will mess you up... this is assuming you are not using a pixle management tool... keep it clean if you are not.

- Build your custom audiences (Video Views 75% - 95%) then run ads at that CA

- Target top 5 countries in 1 campaign

- Scale by duplicating budget and raising budget every 2 days:

Last 180 days fb views etc text every single one.

Lifetime spend on site

- all was done with automatic bid no manual bidding involved

- use all placements separate making placement such as : Facebook Stories and Instagram Stories

- make sure to collect your instagram followers

- don't use blank fan page on will be gone

Blank Facebook page never exist it’s not collecting followers like Instagram username no brand awareness

- retarget them with organic instagram stories and post

- use wc purchase ads

- dont forget your look a likes do dpa

Lookalikes 1-10% VC ATC PUR

DPA Last 180 Days

- 1-10% VC ATC PUR for every single one

+ also Retarget VC ATC PUR of product Id

- use a dedicated email guy, if you need our email guys help just shout (no, he doesnt work for us, he runs his own agency)

- Launch broad targeting adsets


So, we are crushing Q4, our friends and clients are crushing Q4, we truly hope you absolutely SMASH Q4!

Lots of well wishes to the entire eCom community this holiday season!

Vader & AuctionAleks!

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