Seva - an amalgamation of Human & Divine

Seva - an amalgamation of Human & Divine

Dharma Bharat Foundation, Madipakkam

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” - Mahatma Gandhi

|| परोपकार श्लोक ||

परोपकाराय फलन्ति वृक्षः, परोपकाराय वहंती नद्यः |परोपकाराय दुहन्ति गावः, परोपकारार्थम इदं शरीरम ||

PAROPAKARAYA PHALANTI VRIKSHAH - The trees bear fruits to serve others.

PAROPAKARAYA VAHANTI NADYAH - The rivers flow to serve others

PAROPAKARAYA DUHANTI GAVAH - Cows give milk to serve others.

PAROPAKARARTHAM IDAM SAREERAM - This human body is meant to serve others without expecting anything in return.

MANASA SEVA IS MADHAVA SEVA - seva to living beings is Seva to God. There is no higher spirituality than this.

Isopanishad says ” Tena tKtena bhunjitaha” - means rejoice in giving away selflessly .

Bhagvad Gita says, one must get over ‘Tamo-guna’ (lethargy and lack of proper understanding) by cultivating ‘Rajo-guna’ (compassionate dharmic activity) . From ‘rajo-guna’ one must graduate into ‘Satva-guna’ (purity and other virtues) that enables one to realise universal oneness.

In Bhagvad Gita, Lord Krishna says "I exist in all creatures so the disciplined man devoted to me grasps the oneness of life wherever he is, he is in me "

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” - Mahatma Gandhi

We all know enough food stocks are produced and available; enough schools and hospitals but still millions of people are left in less-previledged condition without these very basic necessities of life. There is absolutely no doubt that rendering whole-hearted service to less-privileged will certainly transform our societies into better one.

In this context, the very basic necessity for every human being born on earth is good health. Unless a person has good health, one cannot engage in any kind of activity in this world, which is called the land of activities or Karma bhumi. It will be very unfortunate and narrow-minded to think that somebody’s health problem is none of our concern. For, in this society and the world that we live in, everything is interdependent.

The physical existence is the best expression of Universal Energy and it is the means of fulfilment of Dharma, virtuous duties . Body is the only means to attain all dharma. We can be at our true nature; happiness, joy and abundance; only by proper understanding of our existential reality. By doing our Dharma, our greatest heritage, we develop compassion, kindness, goodness, purity, truth, love, wisdom, and forgiveness.

“Dharmo Rakshati Rakshitaha - Dharma protects him who protects it.” There is no greater wealth than dharma.

Vedas, from time immemorial, recognised the whole world as one single family and called it Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, and it taught us to serve / pray not just for ourselves but for the entire world.

Let all the beings be happy. Let everyone be without any illness. Let everyone see auspiciousness everywhere. Nobody should have any sorrow.

All Sevas are oriented towards inculcating Dharma with patronage from our Volunteers and donors.

We humbly request you to join our Dharma Brigade. “Samaya Daan” is the greatest Daan !

Loka Samastha Sukhino Bhavantu – Let all the beings in the world be happy.

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