Secrets of Spices and Herbs

Secrets of Spices and Herbs

by Anastasia Los

Saffron /ˈsafr(ə)n/ шафран

  1. bright yellow color
  2. most expensive spice
  3. sweet and bitter taste
  4. subtle floral flavor and aroma
  5. It takes almost 70,000 crocus flowers to produce just one pound of dried saffron.

Nutmeg /ˈnʌtmɛɡ/ мускатный орех

  1. sweet and pungent
  2. is actually the seed of a tropical fruit
  3. is appreciated for its flavor-enhancing properties
  4. adds a warm note to savory dishes
  5. Nutmeg has come a long way since the days when it was thought to ward off the plague (plague - чума).

Parsley /ˈpɑːsli/ петрушка

  1. Available in flat-leaf and curly varieties
  2. light and grassy in flavor
  3. has serrated (зазубренные) leaves
  4. robust and earthy
  5. There are more than 30 varieties of parsley, no surprise it is very popular!

Turmeric /ˈtəːmərɪk/ куркума

  1. has a mild woodsy flavor
  2. astringent (терпкий)
  3. comes from the underground stem of a plant in the ginger (имбирь) family
  4. adds a slight bitterness to dishes.
  5. Did you know that it is an antiseptic too? Especially, when you dab a pinch of turmeric of a little scrape/cut/wound, the bleeding stops almost immediately!

Sage /seɪdʒ/ шалфей

  1. flavors a bit like pine
  2. sweet and bitter at the same time
  3. Its greenish-gray leaves are soft and woolly (мохнатые, пушистые).
  4. has eucalyptus and citrus notes
  5. Can be translated as: мудрец, провидец. But it also has a slang meaning (никуда не годный, фигня).

Cloves /kləʊvz/ гвоздика

  1. sweet and warming
  2. considered as one of the strongest spices
  3. unopened flower buds of the tropical evergreen clove tree
  4. pungent and intense
  5. This tropical spice has a welcome place in everything from cool-weather baked goods to spice blends.

Cardamom /ˈkɑːdəməm/ кардамон

  1. warm and highly aromatic
  2. is used in cuisines around the world from the Nordic countries to India and the Middle East.
  3. can be purchased in the pod (стручок, боб) or ground (молотый)
  4. In general, cardamom is valued as much for its fragrance as its flavor.
  5. Cardamom has been used in Ayurveda as well as traditional Chinese medicine for dealing with dental problems for many centuries. 

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