Secret Words

Secret Words


This new tool should replace Markus love for animal's picture (and sometimes vegetables).

User access level

Send new secret word when a new TSF site has been read:

  1. Send /sendsecret to @GLaDOSbot or click "SEND SECRET WORD" button.
  2. Answer the message with the exact words you found in the site.
  3. Done, you should get a nice answer from our nice bot.
Example of accepted case
Example of duplicated case
Example of wrong case

How many secret words did you find?

Just send /status to @GLaDOSbot and you should get a nice message from it.

What a nice numbers!

Note: Found numbers won't appear if the user hasn't found, at least, one of the enabled one.

Admin access level

Create new secret word

  1. Send /addsecret command to @GLaDOSbot or click ADD SECRET button.
  2. Answer with the title of this secret word. This title will be an unique way to identify each one of them. My suggestion is to use something short that makes sense on its own, i.e. "tsi manifesto" for
  3. From this point the secret word is added to the system. It still needs some settings to become available, by default, they are added "disabled"
Creating a new secret word

Set up a secret word (new or old one)

  1. Once you get the keyboard in previous screenshot, there are a couple of actions, for them process is straight forward:
  • Set target URL: Allows to set the url where this secret word is present.
  • Set secret words: Allows to set the exact words that will be added to the text so everyone finds them.
  • Set message: Allows to set the exact message that the user will receive upon finding it.
Setting URL

Enable the secret word (or disabled):

  1. In previous inline keyboard, just click on "Enable" button to bring this one to life. If already enabled, you will see "Disable" button instead.

Note: Disabled secret words won't be used for computing users stats. But they will still be in the system. (see next point for complete deletion)

Delete a secret word (aka archive):

NO, there is no way to completely remove a secret work from the system, but you can always archive them so they won't be used any more (this option has no way back).

  1. In usual inline keyboard for a secret word, choose "Archive" option
  2. You will be prompted for confirmation, confirm the action and done.
Card general keyboard

Archive confirmation keyboard

After archiving, there is no way back and neither will you see any way to manage it. But admins can still see it in the list if needed. Any archived secret word will also become disabled.

Manage secret words:

  1. Send /listsecret command to @GLaDOSbot or click "MANAGE SECRET WORD" button.
  2. Choose one of them to get management keyboard for it
List of secret words

If there is any archived secret word, you can manage it using the "Archived" button present in previous list. Archived one can be recognised by the red "!" symbol before the name.

Example of managing archived

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