

Let`s start by taking a closer look at the word “science”

(lat.) Scire = “to know”, (Gothic) skaidan = “to divide, to separate”. 

The term “science” literally translates to “knowledge derived through separation”

Science = divided knowledge

Today`s scientific system has nearly perfected this separation, as scientific disciplines (from discipline = “punishment”, because we punish ourselves by dividing knowledge) today are working in isolation and even competing with another. This is the prime cause of the incredible retrogression(degradation) of knowledge today compared to earlier ages. As long as there is divided “science” (knowledge derived from division) this retrogression will persist, our brightest scholars will remain divided and conquered and society as a whole cannot produce any truly beneficial technology. The knowledge of science is “knowledge of what is known, based on separation”. It is therefore neither primary knowledge, nor is it based on an integrated/ holistic approach (synthesis/ syncretism instead of analysis = Greek “breaking up”). There really are no sciences (plural). We are experiencing one existence on this planet, through this life, thus there can only be one single, undivided knowledge and if this is the case, the word “science” immediately becomes obsolete. If you reflect on this, you will realize that the word “science” itself is the divider in our brains. “Beneficial” technology is spiritual technology, which unites man with mother nature (metu neter).

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