


☉ Your first name, last name (if any) and username (if any) is stored in Sophia's Database for a convenient communication!

☉ When you add Filters notes or such content that data will be stared in our database (Only used for bot's function

☉ Messages between Bot and you are not being logged and Yuuki won't spy on anything

☉ Watch your group, if someone is spamming your group, you can use the report feature of your Telegram Client.

☉ Do not spam commands, buttons, or anything in bot PM.

☉ Daisy don't use gban system or antispam system by default. So your group your rules. We won't take any control of them

☉ Remember not to add music assistant if group have secret content (Bot Admins can log through a userbot for maintainance processes)

NOTE: Terms and Conditions might change anytime

Updates Channel: @PigasusUpdates

Support Chat: @YuukiSupportChat

Report Page