

Modifying the default field mappings

The default field mapping structure can be modified at any time. Output fields can be added, deleted, or renamed. Subfields can also be added, deleted, or renamed, and in the case of text output fields, they may be formatted. In the field mapping tree view, shortcut menus (accessed by right-clicking a selected field, subfield, or in the white space) can be used to make these modifications.

The shortcut menu for output fields has the following options: Add Input Field, Delete, Rename, and Properties.

  • Add Input Field opens a dialog box that lists all input dataset fields. Choosing an available field adds it to the selected output field's subfield list.

  • Delete removes the selected field from the output dataset.
    Rename allows you to alter the output field's name.
    Properties allows you to alter the selected field's properties. You can change the field's name, type, type properties, merge rule, and delimiter (if the Join merge rule is selected).

The shortcut menu for subfields has the following options: Delete and Format (text fields only).

  • Delete removes the selected subfield. If the first subfield is the one deleted, the output field's data type will not change to reflect the new first position subfield. If you want to change the output field's data type, you must do so manually (using the Properties dialog box), or use the Reset option on the field mapping windows context menu.
    Format allows you to alter the field width, start position, and end position, then have the changes applied to all the other subfields of the same name.

  • If the field width is decreased, the output row values will be truncated to fit. Truncation also occurs if the start point and endpoint values are altered. The Start Position value is the start point from which row values will be truncated. Row value widths start at zero.

  • Values that are longer than the End Position value will be truncated at the specified point. For example, a text field with a row value of "environment", a width of 12, a start position of 3, and an end position of 7 would appear in the output field as "ironm".

The shortcut menu of the field mapping pane (white space) has the following options: Add Output Field and Reset.

  • Add Output Field allows you to add a new field. A secondary dialog box opens that allows you to alter the name, data type, data type properties, merge rule, and a delimiter (if the Join merge rule is selected).

  • The Reset option will set all output field properties back to the default. All modifications will be removed.
Field Map windows context menu and subsequent Add Output Field dialog box

Index (position) of row values

Sub field context menu and subsequent Format dialog box

Field map properties dialog box

Field map context menu and subsequent Add Output Field dialog box

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