1⃣ The collection accepts channels from 1000 subscribers, and more


2⃣ To add a channel, the bot must be in the administrators channel

  2⃣.1 The bot must have rights to post, and delete messages

3⃣ The bot will send and delete the list itself


  3⃣.1 the list is sent automatically 18:00 by Moscow time, and deleted automatically


  3⃣.2 the user receives a warning for deleting the list, after 3 warnings, the user and his channel are blocked in the list

4⃣ the list must be an hour in the top! After you can do an unlimited number of posts

5⃣ To add a channel, in your security settings should be allowed to forward messages ⁠

the translation is done by a beginner, and may not be accurate ^^

if you find an error, write @grehban

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