

😎Admin: @samiy_sas @NonameGGpay

Payment and withdrawal of game currency:

1. Receipt of the goods is possible only after payment.

2. The payment is considered completed after the transfer of money to the specified account.

3. Withdrawal occurs only from 100 pieces of game currency.

4. To withdraw, set a certain skin, for the amount that you will be told.

5. Withdrawal occurs within 72 hours.

6. If you have changed the amount, skin or avatar, we are not responsible for buying someone else's skin.


1. The commission for replenishment lies with the buyer.

2. The market commission of 20% is on the store.

Rights and Obligations:

1. If you broke the rules, did something wrong - all responsibility lies with you.

2. If we broke the rules, did something wrong - we will reimburse all the damage.

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