Rules of Prisming ~SFW

Rules of Prisming ~SFW


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Nota: I testi in grassetto sottolineati sono link da premere.

1️⃣ No pornography, gore, vore, scat and blasphemy. Allowed censorship of them.

2️⃣ Spam only with permission staffer: No group, channel, site on porn, gore, slags, blasphemies.

3️⃣ Do not contact a user without his/her permission, unless it is for "real" emergency or contact a staffer.

4️⃣ You respect, respecting everyone's freedom and his/her moral choices. Irony, parody and/or satire are allowed, that are not intrusive and/or too heavy to create a strong embarrassment, the same for the bad words. Black humor is forbidden.

5️⃣ No abuse of posts, images, audio, stickers, links, etc. per second (es. 10 posts/sec). It is not a race.

6️⃣ Do not create discussions that are an end in themselves and that offer no hint of interest on which you can discuss and discuss and respond with education.

7️⃣ Any problem, write and send with the @admin command to call a staffer. No false alarms thanks.

1️⃣ No abuse of powers.

2️⃣ Follow choices and ideas made after the staff meeting.

3️⃣ Do not damage the group (es. delete random messages, ban users in a non-ethical way or denigrate the group). Worth the permaban.

Updated on December 13, 2018

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