

• Do not spam the group!

• Don’t share irrelevant messages about other topics.

• Don’t be offended if others leave.

• Post your message in one single chunk of text, don’t post every word or sentence in a new message.

• Do not have one-on-one conversations in the group. Switch to private messages.

• If someone asks a question and you don’t know the answer don’t respond with “I don’t know”. Just wait for someone who knows the answer to reply.

• If someone asks a question and you don’t know the answer don’t respond with “I don’t know”. Just wait for someone who knows the answer to reply.

• Never send content, information or “news” that HASN’T been verified.

• Avoid unnecessary debates.

• Unless tolerated by all, avoid sending any content that is violent.

• When replying to a specific comment from a person, use the “reply” function to make sense of your comment and avoid confusion.

• Avoid sending videos or files that are very large.

• Keep in mind that your words can be interpreted in multiple ways

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