
1. Respect the participants, be afraid of the bosses.

 (The opinion of the Leader> the opinion of the moderator> the opinion of the veterans> the opinion of newcomers> the opinion of people with anime on their avatar)

2. Incitement of hatred between white peoples (Russians, Ukrainians, Germans, etc.) is prohibited and punishable by a ban.

3. Pornography and dismemberment are prohibited. Erotica and aesthetics at the discretion of the admins.

4. Spam is prohibited. Advertising by prior arrangement with the administration

5. Do not abuse the flood.

Our channels:

 @fascio_memes - OTDF

 @RadioFascist - Fascist Radio

 @rightmems - Channel with pictures

 @drug_trayan - Roman atmosphere

 @literaturum - Literary Corner

 @rakopabl - channel with local memes from the chat

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