

一═デ︻ UMANG ︻デ═一

☘ #1 No 18+ stuff, racism, cursing and advertisement.

☘ #2 Do not send private message to anyone without their permissions. Stop being thirsty!!! You'll be banned instantly. (I'll strongly recommend to block the person who are messaging you in private without permission.)

☘ #3 Don't share your personal information online. You need to be careful with how much personal information you reveal online. Read_GirlsSafetyAct

☘ #4 Please don't send money to anyone. Don't get cheated by online fraudsters.

☘ #5 You are not allowed to talk about other groups. Sharing links to other chats is strictly forbidden.

☘ #6 Do not discuss Religious & Political issues. Don't spread rumours, nor nonsense talks.

☘ #7 Use merely an appropriate username, display name & display picture. Admins might require you to change them if they found it annoying.

☘ #8 Do not forward any messages (with links) from other chats otherwise the bot will warn you. Flooding = Ban.

☘ #9 Respect! Don't ever try to teach a lesson to admins, stop dead in your tracks if mods tell you to do, else you will be banned without any warnings.

🍀 #10 Questions like "why banned/unbanned/warned/promoted/demoted" will not be answered in the group. For those sort of queries please PM to admins.

If you see unhealthy debates which contain humiliation, racism or other forms of discrimination, don't bury your head in the sand! Use either "@admin" or tag any of admins to report it.

Report Page