🗣 Chattotog™ Pocket [ENG] 💬 - Rules

🗣 Chattotog™ Pocket [ENG] 💬 - Rules


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Not admin and admin users

( 1 ) No pornographic material (eg photos/videos of penises and tits), gore (ie images/videos with mutilated beings) and blasphemies (even the most trivial and obvious). Allowed censorship of them. Porn is allowed on Chattotogâ„¢ Hage.

( 2 ) Spam only with permission of staffer: No group, channel, site on porn, gore, slags, blasphemies.

( 3 ) Do not contact a user without his/her permission, unless it is for "real" emergency or if you want to contact a staffer.

( 4 ) You respect in general, respecting everyone's freedom and his moral choices. The irony, parody and/or satire, however, are admitted, but they are not too heavy to create a strong embarrassment, the same goes for the bad words. Black humor is generally forbidden.

( 5 ) Do not abuse posts, images, audio, stickers, links, etc. per second (for example, 10 posts per second). It's not a competition race.

( 6 ) Any problem, write and send with the @admin command to call a staffer. No false alarms thanks.

Admin users

( 1 ) No abuse of powers.

( 2 ) Follow the choices and ideas made after the staff meeting.

( 3 ) Do not damage the group, delete messages, ban users in a non-ethical way or denigrate the group. The permanent ban it will be insured.

the rules was updated on 16 July 2018.

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