
The administrator has the right at his discretion to limit the user's ability or to block it without giving reasons. Only an administrator who has restricted the user's capabilities or restricted access can remove the restriction or blocking.


1. Direct or indirect insult of one chat participant by another participant, switching to personalities, insulting member’s relatives (RO or BAN at the discretion of the administration);
2. Insulting the administration (BAN);
3. The use of offensive language (automatic deletion of messages for the mat, for each subsequent mat (maximum 3) deletion with a warning, after the RO with an increase in time in case of violations);
4. Numerous references to other localization teams (if this is not part of the discussion and/or does not serve as a demonstration of something not specifically related to the firmware of another team) (deletion of posts, RO or BAN at the discretion of the administration);
5. Publication of video / photo materials with frank scenes of sex or violence (RO or BAN, at the discretion of the administration);
6. Adding bots to the channel (automatic deletion of the bot and BAN user);
7. Publication of numerous voice messages (PO for a period of one hour);
8. Discussion of administration actions (RO or BAN at the discretion of the administration).

Not desirable (punishment and other at the discretion of the administration):

1. It is POSSIBLE to suggest adding certain functions to the firmware (the developer himself decides what is appropriate and what is not in his firmware).


1. Communication on the topic of firmware, problem solving.


   1. Help other users!

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