


We appreciate that you trust us with your information and we intend to always keep that trust! We will try to explain you our terms in plain language. We will cover why we require you to follow our rules and for what. It is important for us to know that everyone who is going to use our bot knows about our rules, risks, who to contact then.

What kind of information we gather?

Some REQUIRED information:

  1. query(link) - which link you followed in order to find a bot
  2. Language
  3. Name
  4. Age
  5. Gender
  6. Interlocutor
  7. Photo/video
  8. About(bio)
  9. Purpose(intentions)

There are also OPTIONAL informations which you can fill if you want.

What else we can do with your Information?

In order to monetize from our project we place Ads targeted to some people. If you want to learn more find open our article about "Our method of Data processing"

All of the data sources are stored in the Database called MongoDB. The Server and We are only able to get the access to the Database!

The Server is Heroku from SalesForce. More about this server you can find here

What you should take care of?

There are people who might impersonate others, request card details, ask money etc, also there might be criminals who would have wrong intentions! We, as the administration of FindMatch, are NOT RESPONSIBLE to prevent bad things. But, we will share information to Law Enforcement Agencies who have the PERMISSION from COURT to see the Database. Either way, they are not able to edit Information in there!

YOU, as a person who wants to use a bot, have to understand all possible risks and be careful! Remember, you can contact administration with any question and anytime you want!

Also remember! We do not write in DirectMessages from the usual telegram account. We only write from bots account, and only if it is emergency! If somebody writes you telling he/she is a worker or administration, feel free to block them, because as we said, we do not write you directly!

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