

1. Don’t Post Links Of other Whatsapp Or Telegram Groups.You will be Banned Without Warning By The Bot.

2. Procedure is Simple. You Need to Order the specified product. Fill respective form of that brand. Review in few days once you get the product. Then we will give you cash back of promised amount after your review gets live.

3. Don’t Cancel Slots Once Booked. You will be flagged and will be removed after 1 Warning.

4. Minimum ₹1500 Purchase is required is required to post any product’s review on amazon.

5. Don’t Make more than 2 purchases from a Brand in a month.

6. Don’t Use Multiple Accounts to order same product on same address Or via same payment details. Your review won’t go live.

7. Don’t post reviews immediately.Wait for 2 Days after receiving products.

8. Your money is totally safe as long as your review is live on amazon.

9. If for any reason your review is deleted by amazon then we won’t be able to refund you. You may return the product to amazon to get your money back. So Please make sure to review within the return window of 10 days.

10. Make sure to fill form within 15 mins of order.

11. All your reviews Should have verified badge.

12. We won’t break your trust. We expect the same from you. Don’t return the product back to amazon once you get your cash back.

13. Any misconducts with group, group members or mediators which includes but not limited to sending group links or any other msgs in private will lead to immediate global ban which means you will be permanently banned from all groups across telegram equipped with group butler bot.

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