

YasiR Siddiqui

1. English only, there's no translation button.

2. This is Offtopic Group Join main Groups If u need to converse something releated to tech.

3. Keep your hate of certain ROM to yourself.

4. Limit the use of GIFs & avoid flooding in the group Maximum Stickers 15.

5. Piracy is not allowed.

6.Helpful links or links associated with Fun allowed here.

7.Tolling is fine but don't try to act smart and be dickhead

8.Members can give their suggestions to improve the Group.

9.Don't hesitate to ask questions, everyone is a Noob 

10. Don't promote your GRP or channel without admins permission.

11.If u See Something wrong then tag our Admins

Failed to follow rules will result in kick or ban

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