Rift Valley University has graduated more than ten thousand graduates on July 20,2019 at Millennium Hall. The graduating students were from fifteen RVU campuses that are located in Addis Ababa and the surrounding Oromia special Zones campuses. The graduating students have attended TVET, undergraduate and postgraduate programs.

High level RVU leadership and dignitaries were in attendance. Dr.Abebe RVU Vice President invited H.E professor Derbsa Dufera, RVU President to make an opening speech. Professor after making brief report, invited the owner of RVU, H.E.Obbo Dinku Deyasa to say few words about the day .

H.E.Obbo Dinku congratulated the staff, graduates, theirs families for the hard work and commitment they have shown in the process of teaching and learning process . And expressed good wish and luck to the graduates and their families . Finally he wrapped his speech by inviting H.E.Dr.Abera Dherssa, RVU Board Chair person and guest of honor to give directives to the graduates.

H.E.Dr.Abera congratulate the graduates and reminded them in addition to the euphoria and job hunting, to contribute their part in the process of attaining sustainable peace in the country .

In this colorful and amazing graduation, Honorary PhD is conferred to Mss Bonni K.Holcomb, Senior Research Associate, from Gorge Washington University in recognition of her life time contribution and the dedication that she has shown in serving the Oromo people .Mss.Bonni has played important role in laying the foundation of Association of Oromo Studies , and defended the interest of the Oromo people on International forums.

Students who have exhibit outstanding results were awarded medal and trophy .Today's graduation was unique and historical due to the number of campuses and students that graduated under one roof,and the attendance of international dignitaries and foreigners .

Via Rift Valley University

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