

Markdown Formatting

You can format your message using bold, italics, underline, and much more. Go ahead and experiment!

Supported markdown:
- `code words`: Backticks are used for monospace fonts. Shows as: code words.
- _italic words_: Underscores are used for italic fonts. Shows as: italic words.
- *bold words*: Asterisks are used for bold fonts. Shows as: bold words.
- ~strikethrough~: Tildes are used for strikethrough. Shows as: strikethrough.
- __underline__: Double underscores are used for underlines. Shows as: underline. NOTE: Some clients try to be smart and interpret it as italic. In that case, try to use your app's built-in formatting.
- [hyperlink]( This is the formatting used for hyperlinks. Shows as: hyperlink.
- [My button](buttonurl:// This is the formatting used for creating buttons. This example will create a button named "My button" which opens when clicked.
If you would like to send buttons on the same row, use the :same formatting. EG:
[button 1](buttonurl://
[button 2](buttonurl://
[button 3](buttonurl://
This will show button 1 and 2 on the same line, with 3 underneath.
Alternatively, check out to generate the button syntax for yoctx.
- [note button](buttonurl://#notename): This syntax will allow you to create a button which links to a note. When clicked, the user will be redirected to Rose's PM to see the note.

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