I just search what's the meaning of your name and i find out it's a rose :)

Hi Ras its been a year since you left us, i still miss you a lot, i couldn't hold back my tears when remembering you. I write this when i'm suddenly think about you, i am 17th and bout turn 18th next month :), and i just graduate from high school, i always wondering if you still with us and celebrate our prom night together with happines, and your smile or laugh it makes me happy. I always been thankfull for you being my friend, you are the person who has many talents and I always want to study with you, study about life, or languanges, or even a piano and guitar. this year you will be 17th too and i even forget about that, i'm so sorry bout that, i'm sorry that i can not heal you or even helped you in lowest time, i always blame my self since then, if and if i can turn back time i will chose to make sure that you will alive and make sure you will be happy too, I LOVE YOU RASYA, i miss your joke, i miss banning you from drinking a coke, when i asked you to draw something, when i spend time with us, when i asked you about something you draw and you tell me who that is, aku ingat juga dulu kalo ada soal b inggris pasti kamu jadi bintang hari itu wkwkwk even sometimes you hate it, please come to my dream at least sekali ajah yaaa, biar aku gak lupa suara kamu, anw i wonder seberapa bagusnya gambaran mu yang sekarang, and i will ask you to draw me ahahhahahha i miss those moments when we were together. Aku selalu penasaran dengan masa depan kamu, aku selalu pikir masa depan mu bakal indah karena kamu tau beberapa bahasa, ternyata dengann begitu banyak talenta yang kamu punya still won't makes you stay, but thats fine bcs i hope you always smile there. I miss you a lot ras so i wrote this for you , even you may not seen this but i still hope you see this. I promise to bring rose next time when i see you, funfact about me i hate roses, idk why but maybe bcs it has duri di tangkainya dan warna merahnya.

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