


- Use manual brightness or dim the screen.

- Turn off notifications for apps you don’t use. Better still, delete/disable the apps entirely if you don’t need them.

- Enable battery or power saving mode when you want to extend your battery life.

- Use the power adapter that came with your phone. Other chargers can charge slowly/faster but they can also damage your phone or battery.

- Turn off Bluetooth, location tracking, and Wi-Fi (unless you are actively using it)

- Turn off print services from bluetooth connection preferences.

- Avoid extremes of heat and cold. If your phone gets very hot or cold it can strain the battery and shorten its lifespan.


- Have Bluetooth or Wi-Fi turned on constantly.

- Leave apps running in the background. Instead restrict background usage off apps that you don't need running.

- Push email means your device is always listening for new email which drains alot of battery.

- Drain your phone battery all the way to 0% or charging it all the way to 100%.
Keep it between 20% - 90% for longer battery lifespan.

- Use your device and take off the back cover when charging as it may lead to excessive heat and damage the battery.

Note: The more advanced the graphics and animations are (games, videos, photos, animations), the harder the processor and graphics chip in your smartphone have to work. More activity means more battery use.

Credits : @com4tablynumb

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