rocking chair for church nursery

rocking chair for church nursery

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Rocking Chair For Church Nursery


Over the past few years, part of our parish-wide “extreme makeover” included a new nursery located in the “west wing” of our campus. The nursery features a colorful and inviting space for the youngest members of our parish family. We have two beautiful cribs, rocking chairs and a changing table for staff to comfort and tend to infants. There’s plenty of books, toys, and space for curious toddlers to explore and play. Plus a small children’s table and chair set for coloring and crafts. We welcome you to come experience this beautiful space for yourself!Our All Saints Children’s Ministry team strives to partner with parents to create a loving, safe, and inviting environment at church at home for our children to know, love, and follow the Lord Jesus Christ. Our goal is to assist in the creation of spiritually healthy, connected families. There are three legs to our Children’s Ministry stool: Biblical, Relational, and Missional. We want to help kids see God for who he is (Biblical) and themselves the way God sees them (Relational), so they can love others the way he does (Missional).

We strive to reach the following objectives for each group: Every element centers on giving preschoolers a first impression of their loving heavenly Father. We want to convey Christ’s love translated as a safe, comfortable, tender environment and caregiver. We want each child to grow up knowing that God made them, God loves them, and Jesus wants to be their friend forever. We want these truths in each child’s heart: that they need to make wise choices, that they can trust God no matter what, and that they should treat others the way they want to be treated. Sunday school meets from September through June. Children of all ages are invited to learn about Jesus’ great love for each one of them. You may register your child in person Sunday mornings at the Ground Floor Welcome Center or online by clicking the link below. Online Sunday School Registration Click here to sign up for vacation bible school. Infant and Toddler Nurseries Our Infant and Toddler Nurseries are open Sundays at 8:30 a.m. for the 9 a.m. Family Worship Service and remain open until 12:30 p.m.

The Nurseries are located on the Ground Floor of the church. The Infant Nursery is equipped with cribs, changing table, baby swings, toys, books and rocking chairs. Our Toddler nurseries’ staff teaches Bible lessons during the Sunday School hour from 10:15 – 11:10 a.m. A mid-morning snack is served to the children. Please let the Nursery staff know of any special instructions, allergies and/or if someone other than yourself will be picking up your child. Please bring diapers, wipes, bibs, pacifiers, change of clothes, bottles, formula and anything else your baby will need while in our care. All personal items & clothing should be clearly marked with your child’s name. Liz McReady, Women’s and Children’s Pastor – or contact the church office at 301-654-2488, ext. 227. Children's Church is an opportunity for children ages 4-10 years old to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. Our goal is to shepherd your child's heart to understand the depth of Jesus love for them, while instilling strong Biblical knowledge.  

We have an excellent group of volunteers who teach the classes on a rotating basis at the 10:30 service. Children come to Children's Church at the beginning of the service and return to their families after the sermon. Right down the hall from the sanctuary we offer a staffed nursery for children ages 0 - 3 at the 10:30 am service.  The nursery is equipped with a changing table and a rocking chair for nursing mothers.  When you arrive for the first time we will have you fill out a registration form for your child and will take your cell phone number in case we need to reach you during the service. Confirmation begins each Fall and is a two year commitment/program. This class is for 6th-8th graders who want to grow in their knowledge and be confirmed as followers of Christ and publicly declare their faith. Teenagers (ages 13-18) meet for a time of prayer, fellowship, fun, and Bible study every Sunday afternoon after the 10:30 service in the Timothy House (on the St. Paul campus) from Fall to Spring.

If you have any questions please email Pastor Andrew at .Why Am I Seeing This? A 404 error means that the requested file cannot be found. This can be due to an incorrect URL, a misnamed file, an improper directive within the .htaccess file, or a file having been uploaded to an incorrect folder. Please ensure you typed the correct URL. How Do I Fix It? Learn How To Customize This Page For full information on 404 errors and how to resolve them, please contact us, or learn more with the support links above.Nursery: Birth to 3 years-old It is our desire to provide a safe, secure, and fun environment for babies and toddlers by providing loving care, creative worship, and Bible adventures. Be assured that your child will be well-cared for by our trained and screened leaders. Nursery is available throughout the entire service There is also a Children's Lounge available which is equipped with a changing table, and rocking chairs. The Children's Lounge is located on the south face of the upper entry area.

Parents or guardians of nursery and preschoolers are asked to check in and pick up their children according to our KidCheck procedures. If you are interested in more information, please fill out the form below. Childcare is available in our Parish House Nursery Rooms for infants through five-year-olds on Sundays from 7:45 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. year round. The two Nursery Rooms, Infant Caring Room, and restrooms are located across the courtyard in the Parish House. Enter the Parish House through the double doors, turn right, go up the stairs, through one door, and straight through a second door. Nurseries - The St. Matthew Nursery is open for all young children during the 8:00 a.m. service. Starting at 8:45 a.m., the St. Bartholomew Nursery opens for children from three to five years of age. The St. Matthew Nursery is for children two years old and under. Both nurseries are staffed by a team of trained staff caretakers. Parents must sign in and provide contact information on the attendance sheet.

Infant Caring Room - The Infant Caring Room is equipped with a changing table, rocking chairs, and a closed-circuit television where you can attend to your child’s needs while watching the service. Children of all ages are always welcome in worship at any of our services! The Children's Worship Cart by the front entrance of the Church has child-friendly worship bulletins, bags of markers and crayons, and picture books for children to borrow and enjoy in their seats during worship. Feel free to pick them up so your child can follow along with the service. Children of all ages are welcome to receive communion. When we baptize children, we welcome them into God’s family, just as they have been welcomed into our individual families. It may be years before children understand the history or values of our family, but they are nonetheless valuable members. Likewise in church, children may not understand all the mysteries of communion, but they are learning how the Family of God breaks bread together and shares the holy meal – so as soon as your child has been baptized and is physically able to ingest solid foods, they are welcome to participate in the Eucharist.

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