

Product Type: Уйгурские Блюда
Total sales: UZS 311,000
Number of products sold: 52
The number of type products: 15 items
Returned products: 0 items
Returned products cost: UZS 0
Discount: UZS 0
  • Product Name: Манты
    Price: UZS 3,500
    Store in -150
    Total sales: UZS 147,000
    Total sales: 42
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Уйгурский Лагман
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -107
    Total sales: UZS 75,000
    Total sales: 5
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Каурма Лагман
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -123
    Total sales: UZS 45,000
    Total sales: 3
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Гушт Сай
    Price: UZS 22,000
    Store in -38
    Total sales: UZS 44,000
    Total sales: 2
    Number of refunds: 0

Product Type: САЛАТЫ
Total sales: UZS 284,000
Number of products sold: 27
The number of type products: 21 items
Returned products: 0 items
Returned products cost: UZS 0
Discount: UZS 0
  • Product Name: ЯПОНСКИЙ САЛАТ
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -25
    Total sales: UZS 30,000
    Total sales: 2
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: АЧИК - ЧУЧУК
    Price: UZS 6,000
    Store in -220
    Total sales: UZS 90,000
    Total sales: 15
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Салат оливье
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -16
    Total sales: UZS 15,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: ВИТАМИННЫЙ
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -73
    Total sales: UZS 15,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Suzma
    Price: UZS 6,000
    Store in -44
    Total sales: UZS 6,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: МУЖСКОЙ КАПРИЗ
    Price: UZS 19,000
    Store in -18
    Total sales: UZS 57,000
    Total sales: 3
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: САЛАТ ГРЕЧЕСКИЙ
    Price: UZS 20,000
    Store in -17
    Total sales: UZS 20,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: СВЕЖЕЕ АССОРТИ
    Price: UZS 12,000
    Store in -24
    Total sales: UZS 12,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: НОВЫЙ ГРЕЧЕСКИЙ
    Price: UZS 24,000
    Store in -11
    Total sales: UZS 24,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: САЛАТ СМАК
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -31
    Total sales: UZS 15,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0

Product Type: ШАШЛЫКИ
Total sales: UZS 325,500
Number of products sold: 46
The number of type products: 16 items
Returned products: 0 items
Returned products cost: UZS 0
Discount: UZS 0
  • Product Name: Молотый Шашлык
    Price: UZS 7,500
    Store in -278
    Total sales: UZS 217,500
    Total sales: 29
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Кусковой Шашлык
    Price: UZS 8,000
    Store in -332
    Total sales: UZS 24,000
    Total sales: 3
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Куринный Шашлык
    Price: UZS 6,000
    Store in -204
    Total sales: UZS 84,000
    Total sales: 14
    Number of refunds: 0

Total sales: UZS 244,000
Number of products sold: 18
The number of type products: 10 items
Returned products: 0 items
Returned products cost: UZS 0
Discount: UZS 0
  • Product Name: Плов Свадебный 0.5
    Price: UZS 13,000
    Store in -131
    Total sales: UZS 169,000
    Total sales: 13
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Плов Свадебный 1
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -57
    Total sales: UZS 75,000
    Total sales: 5
    Number of refunds: 0

Total sales: UZS 346,000
Number of products sold: 29
The number of type products: 19 items
Returned products: 0 items
Returned products cost: UZS 0
Discount: UZS 0
  • Product Name: Busines Lunch(osh+choy+non+salat)
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -335
    Total sales: UZS 210,000
    Total sales: 14
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Odnarazvi Posuda
    Price: UZS 1,000
    Store in -116
    Total sales: UZS 10,000
    Total sales: 10
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Norin
    Price: UZS 18,000
    Store in -48
    Total sales: UZS 36,000
    Total sales: 2
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Казан Кебаб
    Price: UZS 30,000
    Store in -145
    Total sales: UZS 30,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Говядина Тушения
    Price: UZS 30,000
    Store in -23
    Total sales: UZS 60,000
    Total sales: 2
    Number of refunds: 0

Product Type: РУССАЯ КУХНЯ
Total sales: UZS 90,000
Number of products sold: 6
The number of type products: 6 items
Returned products: 0 items
Returned products cost: UZS 0
Discount: UZS 0
  • Product Name: Бифштекс
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -112
    Total sales: UZS 75,000
    Total sales: 5
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Бистроги
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -58
    Total sales: UZS 15,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0

Total sales: UZS 81,000
Number of products sold: 7
The number of type products: 6 items
Returned products: 0 items
Returned products cost: UZS 0
Discount: UZS 0
  • Product Name: ЧУЧВАРА
    Price: UZS 11,000
    Store in -59
    Total sales: UZS 22,000
    Total sales: 2
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: КАЙНАТМА ШУРПА
    Price: UZS 12,000
    Store in -103
    Total sales: UZS 24,000
    Total sales: 2
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: МАСТАВА
    Price: UZS 10,000
    Store in -66
    Total sales: UZS 20,000
    Total sales: 2
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: КУЗА ШУРПА
    Price: UZS 15,000
    Store in -57
    Total sales: UZS 15,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0

Product Type: Куринные Блюда
Total sales: UZS 59,000
Number of products sold: 5
The number of type products: 5 items
Returned products: 0 items
Returned products cost: UZS 0
Discount: UZS 0
  • Product Name: Джиз Быз Из Куринных Потрохов
    Price: UZS 19,000
    Store in -5
    Total sales: UZS 19,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0
  • Product Name: Лапша Куринная
    Price: UZS 10,000
    Store in -50
    Total sales: UZS 40,000
    Total sales: 4
    Number of refunds: 0

Product Type: None
Total sales: UZS 2,000
Number of products sold: 1
The number of type products: 1 items
Returned products: 0 items
Returned products cost: UZS 0
Discount: UZS 0
  • Product Name: Bonka
    Price: UZS 2,000
    Store in -103
    Total sales: UZS 2,000
    Total sales: 1
    Number of refunds: 0

Report Page