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live threads

Real-time updates on reddit.

In addition to the standard reddit API, WebSockets play a huge role in reddit live. Receiving push notification of changes to the thread via websockets is much better than polling the thread repeatedly.

To connect to the websocket server, fetch /live/thread/about.json and get the websocket_url field. The websocket URL expires after a period of time; if it does, fetch a new one from that endpoint.

Once connected to the socket, a variety of messages can come in. All messages will be in text frames containing a JSON object with two keys: type and payload. Live threads can send messages with many types:

  • update - a new update has been posted in the thread. the payload contains the JSON representation of the update.
  • activity - periodic update of the viewer counts for the thread.
  • settings - the thread's settings have changed. the payload is an object with each key being a property of the thread (as in about.json) and its new value.
  • delete - an update has been deleted (removed from the thread). the payload is the ID of the deleted update.
  • strike - an update has been stricken (marked incorrect and crossed out). the payload is the ID of the stricken update.
  • embeds_ready - a previously posted update has been parsed and embedded media is available for it now. the payload contains a liveupdate_id and list of embeds to add to it.
  • complete - the thread has been marked complete. no further updates will be sent.

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