

To begin, what the hell even is the flavor of regular Coke? Sugar? It's indiscernible and, frankly, a little bland. All you really get with the base flavor is fizz.

With the vanilla flavor, however, the whole soda gets creamier, smoother, with a flavor you can notice and a sweet after-taste reminiscent of buttercream frosting. The whole drink gets less harsh to swallow, not to mention that vanilla and whatever the base flavor is work. Like, really well.

In fact, they work together so well that the combination could be it's own soda, because it has it's own taste, unlike cherry or orange Coke (which just taste like regular Coke with fruits shoved in them).

The only real downfall to vanilla Coke is that it's not wide-spread; only two stores in my town sell it, which is a huge shame considering how much of a blessing vanilla Coke is.

Thank you all for coming to my TedTalk. Now go buy some vanilla Coke.


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