Red Room

Red Room

Gladianne d'Mademoiselle
Chambre rouge et Verre rouge.

Blood red filled the walls and marble floors in a large room, a faint red light that made the atmosphere even more eerie many people gathered there but only one was still alive there. a woman with blood on her lips, cheeks, hands, and almost all over her body, err I mean it's not her blood but the blood of the person she made food for after her 800 years of sleep, she was starving her eyes were bright red with red lips full of blood, sharp fangs sharper than any knife, pale skin and cold sinister but that doesn't reduce her beauty. yes, she is a vampire. The red light that flashes in the room where it says "Red Room" at the entrance makes her look even sexier, no wonder she's the sexiest vampire you've ever met and maybe the only vampire you'll ever meet? for if you have seen it you will not be saved.

Her name is Gladianne d'Mademoiselle. The vampire who finally woke up after sleeping for 800 years, she was the only child of the King of Vampires, because of that she became one of the strongest Vampires that ever existed, not only that she was also highly respected. The bed for the vampires or what humans call the coffin that Anne used to sleep for a long time is in a magnificent castle that has been given magic so that no one can disturb her while she sleeps, when she finally wakes up after a long time there is a group of humans who got lost while passing through the 'forbidden' forest. Anne also used her wits, Anne took the group to her castle with the promise that they would be given food and directions so they wouldn't get lost again. yes Anne took them to the Red Castle, the castle where Anne had been sleeping all this time. After Anne gave them delicious human-style food, she told them to gather in a room located underground she said "please enter this room, in this room you may find a way to get out of here" Anne did not lie, they did not get lost again because they had found their way home, only not to home, but to heaven.

After cleaning the blood on his body she also looked in the mirror in a red glass, which was red with blood. She looked at herself closely, "Ah I didn't know there was a vampire like this in the world, but I proved that it really exists". Anne, a vampire who really likes the color red, from clothes, castle walls, mirror, even her favorite 'food' is all red.

For her, the color red means love.

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