


My name is Zeids

Not a too famous player nor an excellent for that matter. Just a dragon who actually enjoys the castle more than the game itself.

Some might know me from all of the posted lyrics songs in Castle Chat which are my passion. All along I have tried to give back at the castle what it gave me: happiness.

If postulate for king, don't expect me to pursue a huge political career or something of the like. I am not here to discuss if cuban players should NOT respect rules and speak in English. I am not here to try to figure out how to make visitors happier. I am not here to build up on drama. Those things shouldn't even be discussed, they should just be decided by the council and left that way without outside opinions mattering. I am here because I love Dragonscale Castle, and if I can make it better, I will.

People interested in knowing more, be glad to PM me. I will happily answer and chat.



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