Really Close Up

Really Close Up


Do you remember in grade six how they probably made you cut up onion skins and stuff and made you look at them under a microscope? That was really cool, right? I miss those good old days of school.

I always wished we could have looked at more things like that, maybe spent the entire grade six science program learning about what things look like up close. Of course, I was just a child though, so when I expressed my strong feelings about this, nobody listened.

But it turns out there are people who do that for their jobs or have the means to do it for fun, and they are kind enough to share their findings with the world.

Let us know which one was your favorite in the COMMENTS and SHARE with your scientifically inclined friends. 

1. Chalk.

Sidewalk chalk and blackboard chalk used to be made from soft limestone! 


reddit / Doc-in-a-box

2. Caffeine. 

Can you believe this? I knew this is what it felt like, but to look like it as well? Amazing. 

3. Dust. 

 I knew there was a reason I never did housework. Look how pretty the dust is! 

4. Seawater. 

Yup, exactly what I pictured. 


reddit / goldenspiderduck

5. A butterfly tongue. 

I'm not sure what exactly I thought a butterfly tongue would look like, but this is pretty close. 


reddit / iamriot

6. A peacock feather.

 Sort of looks like shiny rope. 

7. The inside of a green onion. 

This makes me feel like I'm in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids! 


reddit / ArmyVeganCrossfitter

8. A hypodermic needle with blood. 

The blood cells look so creepy. 

9. Sand. 

It's so beautiful! Who knew something so irritating could be so majestic? 

10. A crack in rusted steel.

 Looks like the Grand Canyon. 


reddit / SweetieMan

11. Human eye! 

All I can say is yuck! 

12. A bee covered in pollen.

 I always thought bees were cute. 

13. Butterfly wing. 

They seem almost scaly! 


reddit / FogleMonster

14. Velcro. 

This makes a lot of sense to look at. 

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