


Company Sends Rocket to Space – level 2

Company Sends Rocket to Space


NASA and the company SpaceX are sending astronauts to space. It is an important moment for NASA because the last time that NASA sent astronauts to space was in 2011.

It is the first time that a company is sending its own rocket to space, and it is a start of commercial flishghts to space. NASA astronauts, Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken, are the first US astronauts who are going to space in a private rocket.

When they get to space, they must check all the rocket´s systems. Then, they can connect with the International Space Station, ISS. They will become members of the ISS crew, and they will stay on the ISS for a few months.

SpaceX wants to test if the rocket is safe to take people to space and back. The company is planning more space missions this year.


1.astronauts - kosmonavt

2.spece - kosmos, fazo

3.private -shaxsiy

4.member - a'zo

5.crew - jamoa, brigada

6.mission - topshiriq , missiya

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