


Здравствуйте! Вас беспокоит проект LikeCoin.

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Вы можете получать до 30000 stakes в неделю! 

О проекте LikeCoin:

Reinventing the Like Rewarding Contents by Proof of Creativity

Проект решает следующие проблемы:

On the Internet, rewards and creativity are decoupled. The communities of freelance content creators and netizen journalists that produce high quality work are huge, but they are receiving Likes and not income for their work.

The Solution

LikeCoin aims to reinvent the Like by realigning creativity and reward. We enable attribution and cross-application collaboration on creative contents. With a reinvented Like button and our unique LikeRank algorithm, we trace content footprint and reward content creators by Proof of Creativity mechanism.

Подробнее о проекте вы можете узнать здесь - https://like.co , https://like.co/in/whitepaper .

Если у вас есть какие-либо вопросы - https://t.me/likecoin_bounty 

Будем рады видеть вас! Спасибо. 

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