


legal information

Entered into force on May 25, 2011 at 00:42 

Permanent address: http://help.rambler.ru/legal/1145/


  1. Status and scope of the regulation
  2. Complaint Policy and Principles
  3. Filing a complaint against illegal content
  4. Suspension of access (blocking) and removal of illegal content
  5. Rambler user’s disagreement with content blocking
  6. Controversial content
  7. Abuse of the complaints procedure
  8. Storage and confidentiality of information
  9. Responsible Division of Rambler
  10. Final provisions

1. Status and scope of the regulation

This “Rules for handling complaints and blocking illegal content” Rambler Internet Holding LLC (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) is an official document of Rambler Internet Holding LLC (hereinafter referred to as Rambler) and defines the Rambler policy, its rights and obligations, as well as rights and obligations of users of the Rambler and third parties in relation to claims, conflicts and disputes in connection with illegal content posted by users of the Rambler on information resources (projects and services) of the Rambler.

The regulation serves to protect the rights and interests of citizens, right holders, commercial and non-profit organizations, government bodies regardless of whether they have access to the Internet.

These Regulations are part of the official documents of the Rambler and, unless otherwise specified in the official documents of the Rambler, apply to all projects and services of the Rambler.

The composition of information and objects (including intellectual property) is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the official official documents of the Rambler.

In the event of a conflict between the rules for the use of projects and services of the Rambler and these Regulations, the provisions of the Regulations shall apply, unless the relevant rules explicitly state that these Regulations or their individual provisions are not applicable to them.

2. Policies and principles of the complaints procedure

With the ubiquity of Internet technologies and the popularity of projects and services of the Rambler, aware that the information resources of the Rambler can be used to store, transfer, distribute and access information that may violate the legitimate rights and interests of users of the Rambler and third parties, Rambler developed and implements this procedure for the consideration of complaints against the actions of the users of the Rambler in connection with the latest use of his information resources.

Regarding the complaints procedure, Rambler declares and implements the following principles.

2.1. Legality

Rambler respects and complies with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and does not create and does not use technical solutions to control and censor information relations in which its users participate.

2.2. Presumption of good faith of users

Rambler respects and appreciates Internet users and its own users and has the right to expect that Rambler users comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and use the information resources of the Rambler in good faith.

The procedure established by these Regulations provides users of the Rambler with opportunities to protect their own interests and rights by sending non-anonymous and reasoned statements of disagreement with the complaints filed regarding their content.

Rambler recommends that those who believe that the content was placed in the projects and services of the Rambler are illegal, that their rights and interests are violated, to initially contact the relevant users who posted the content. According to the experience of Rambler, it allows you to quickly resolve most of the claims and conflicts. If the solution could not be found, please contact the Rambler in accordance with these Regulations.

2.3. Responsibility and support of Rambler in the fight against illegal content

Unfortunately, there are cases when the Rambler users can illegally store, transfer, distribute and provide access to information and intellectual property using the information of the Rambler.

Rambler, as well as the main leading Russian Internet companies (Appeal of Internet companies about responsibility for user content dated October 15, 2010), believes that he is not responsible for the specified illegal content and user actions and should not be held responsible only for creating technical conditions used by offenders.

To ensure the fight against illegal content, Rambler voluntarily proposes to all persons who believe that their rights and interests are violated by the users of Rambler, this procedure for handling complaints and blocking illegal content.

We note that the key elements of our procedure are complaints from interested parties that notify about an offense. We believe that without receiving such notifications, Rambler, like any other Internet company that provides Internet services, is deprived of the ability to effectively detect and suppress relevant offenses.

Complaints of interested parties on illegal content are considered by Rambler in the manner prescribed by these Regulations.

In the event of a dispute about the legality of content, a dispute about the law and the legality of actions related to its placement, the complainant must independently resolve the current disputed situation and legal problems by contacting law enforcement agencies (including the courts).

The Rambler of this procedure voluntarily protects the interests of the applicant by temporarily blocking the controversial content until an appropriate decision is made by the authorized authority in the manner prescribed by Russian law. Temporary blocking is carried out in the manner prescribed by the Regulations, taking into account these principles (clause 2 of the Regulations), which Rambler considers reasonable and fair, and only if the applicant complies with the requirements of the Regulations.

We believe that Rambler should not assume the functions of law enforcement agencies, be a censor and replace the proposed procedure with the consideration of disputes in court. We ask applicants and users of Rambler to understand the fact that in some cases we are not objectively able to assess whether the content is legal or not.

2.4. Openness and uniformity of procedure

Submission through the information resources of the Rambler and consideration of complaints regarding the illegal content of the users of the Rambler does not require special technical knowledge and skills and is carried out free of charge under a single procedure.

Rambler is committed to using efficient, prompt and reliable mechanisms to support the filing of complaints and communications and visually inform interested parties about the complaints procedure and blocking illegal content.

We hope that for the purposes of efficiency, applicants and users will use modern electronic means of communication, first of all, e-mail.

2.5. Openness and responsibility of those who complain about illegal content

Rambler does not consider anonymous complaints, as well as complaints received in the interests of other persons, with the exception of cases when the corresponding representation of interests is permitted by law.

This procedure should not be used by individuals for the sole purpose of preventing the lawful dissemination of information and / or intellectual property.

3. Filing a complaint against illegal content

3.1. Any person has the right to complain to Rambler about illegal content placed in projects and services of Rambler, in accordance with the procedure established by these Regulations.

Before filing a complaint, it is recommended to contact the user associated with illegal content at his email address, taking into account the rule that the latter is based on the user's login: login@rambler.ru . If a user is registered in a domain other than rambler.ru, then the corresponding login will be his email address.

3.2. The complaint must be made in Russian in writing or in the form of an electronic message.

3.3. The complaint must contain accurate and complete information about its applicant in a volume that allows him to identify and communicate with him, illegal content with his description, the circumstances of his discovery and the rights and interests of the applicant violated. Be sure to specify as a way to identify a functioning email address of the complainant.

3.4. When submitting a complaint to Rambler, a person must reasonably declare a violation of his own legal rights and interests (or legal rights and interests of persons whose rights and interests are authorized) and provide information about the facts that led to the violations.

3.5. The content of the complaint should also include the following technical information:

  • type of object (illegal content) - text, photograph, phonogram, audiovisual work, computer program, other (specify);
  • the name of the object representing / including illegal content;
  • Internet address where illegal content was discovered;
  • the time (periods) when illegal content was discovered;
  • an indication of the name of the user of the Rambler who, in the applicant's opinion, carried out the relevant illegal actions;
  • information confirming the rights and / or interests of the applicant, which are violated in connection with the relevant content.

Electronic files may be attached to the complaint, in the amount of not more than 10 megabytes, containing other additional information.

3.6. One complaint may include information only about one case of violation of the rights and interests of the applicant. If, in the opinion of the applicant, several violations are carried out by the same user, in each case the applicant must send a separate complaint and indicate the necessary information to the extent and on the conditions established by these Regulations.

3.7. Rambler reserves the right not to consider complaints, the form and content of which do not meet the requirements of these Regulations.

We understand that illegal content may cause you fair resentment and the desire to immediately stop the illegal actions of violators, but we strongly recommend that you accurately and reliably describe the situation.Otherwise, we will be deprived of the opportunity to respond to the complaint received to us due to the fact that we did not receive the required amount of information about the offense.

3.8. Ways to complain to Rambler:

By email complaints@rambler-co.ru 

Through the feedback form 

Regular mail to the address: 115280, Russia, Moscow, st. Lenin settlement, 19 

By fax: + 7-495-785-17-01

The applicant chooses the way to handle the complaint.

Using e-mail and / or a form on the site means the consent of the applicant to use further e-mail for communication with Rambler.

3.9. By sending a complaint, the complainant agrees that information about him (including personal data) and his complaint will be sent to Rambler in accordance with clause 5.9 of these Regulations to the user specified as the person associated with illegal content.

3.10. If the complainant refuses to disclose or does not indicate the required information in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations and the content of the complaint to the user specified as a person associated with illegal content, the complaint of the complainant is not considered.

3.11. After receiving the complaint, Rambler sends an email to the email address indicated by the complainant that the complaint was received and registered.

3.12. If the complaint does not meet the requirements of these Regulations, Rambler sends to the e-mail address indicated by the applicant a notification about its non-compliance with the established requirements with an indication of the applicant’s corresponding errors and a request to send clarifying and (or) missing information. At the same time, consideration of a complaint may be suspended until all necessary information is received.

3.13. If the e-mail address of the applicant is not specified, does not exist, does not function or it turns out that it does not belong to the applicant, the consideration of the complaint is terminated.

3.14. In the case of a complaint by e-mail or using a web form, Rambler reserves the right to request the applicant to provide information in writing within 3 (three) working days, indicating possible ways of sending such information.

4. Suspension of access (blocking) and removal of illegal content

4.1. If the content and form of the received complaint fully meet the requirements of paragraph 3 of these Regulations, taking into account the requirements of paragraph 7 of these Regulations, the responsible subdivision of the Rambler temporarily suspends (blocking) access to the object within 3 (three) working days address indicated in the complaint.

4.2. If the address of the illegal content specified by the applicant is not workable or does not contain illegal content, the blocking is not performed, the complaint procedure is terminated, and the applicant is notified by e-mail.

4.3. After blocking illegal content, the applicant and the person indicated in the complaint as a user of Rambler, who, according to the complainant, unlawful actions, is sent a blocking notification indicating the blocked address, time of the start of the blocking, time and date of receipt of the complaint, its registration number, time and date of possible removal of content, a reference to the text of these Regulations and contacts of the responsible unit of the Rambler authorized to execute these Regulations.

4.4. If the user, whose object was blocked, did not express disagreement with the blocking within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the moment of the start of the blocking, the object is deleted by the responsible subdivision of the Rambler.

4.5. Rambler has the right to delete objects regardless of the presence or absence of the relevant user’s disagreement if illegal content violates the current legislation of the Russian Federation or the rules for using the corresponding projects and services of the Rambler and the complaint received from the complainant is sufficient to make an appropriate decision.

4.6. After the removal of illegal content, the corresponding applicant and the user of the Rambler are sent a notification about the removal of content, indicating its former address, time of removal, time and date of receipt of the complaint, its registration number, a link to the text of these Regulations and contacts of the responsible department of the Rambler authorized to execute these Regulations.

5. Disagreement of Rambler user with content blocking.

5.1. The user of the Rambler, whose content was blocked in accordance with these Regulations, has the right to declare his disagreement with the actions taken within 30 (thirty) calendar days by sending to the responsible subdivision of the Rambler a statement of disagreement with the blocking with the justification of the legitimacy of his own actions.

5.2. The statement of disagreement must include reliable and complete information about the user of the Rambler in the volume that allows him to identify and communicate with him, the circumstances and information that served as the basis for the placement of blocked content. Be sure to specify as a way to identify a functioning email address.

5.3. The statement of disagreement should also include the following technical information:

  • all information about the object, including an indication of the type and name of the object, the address of the object on the Internet;
  • registration number of the complaint in connection with which the application is sent;
  • time (periods) of the time when the user began using the content;
  • conditions of access to content established by the user or the terms of use of the project or by the Rambler services (publicly available content, content available to all registered users of the project, content available to a limited circle of persons);
  • information confirming the user's rights to the blocked content.

Electronic files may be attached to the statement of disagreement, not exceeding 10 MB in size, containing other additional information.

5.4. Addresses for sending statements of disagreement to Rambler

Email: complaints@rambler-co.ru 

The form on the website: http://help.rambler.ru/feedback/rambler-help/form/106/ 

Regular mail to the address: 115280, Russia, Moscow, st. Lenin settlement, 19 

Fax: + 7-495-785-17-01

Using e-mail and / or a form on the site means the user's consent to use further e-mail for communication with Rambler.

5.5. By sending a statement to Rambler, the user agrees that information about him (including personal data) and his statement will be sent to Rambler to the complainant. 

5.6. If the user of the blocked content refuses to disclose information about himself and the content of the application to the complainant, his application is not considered. 

5.7. Rambler does not consider statements of disagreement, the form and content of which do not comply with the requirements of these Regulations. 

5.8.If the application does not meet the requirements of these Regulations, Rambler sends the user a notification about the non-compliance of such statements with the established requirements and a request to provide clarifying and (or) missing information or send a new application before the expiration of the period specified in clause 5.1 of these Regulations. In this case, the consideration of the application is not made.

5.9. Upon receipt of the application of the Rambler user about disagreement in time and in compliance with the requirements established by these Regulations, Rambler sends a statement of disagreement to the complainant, and the complaint to the Rambler user.

6. Controversial content 

6.1.After exchanging information in accordance with clause 5.9 of the Regulations, Rambler recognizes content as controversial and continues to block it within thirty (30) calendar days so that the complainant interested in removing the disputed content and protecting his own rights and interests takes the measures provided for by law Russian Federation. In this case, the period specified in paragraphs. 4.4 and 5.1. Regulation ceases to flow.

6.2.If within the period specified in clause 6.1. Of the Claim, Rambler will receive from the complainant a copy of the court ruling on acceptance of the statement of claim or the corresponding interim measures, decisions of the investigating authorities or another document of the authorities of the Russian Federation, taken by them in accordance with their legal powers regarding the complainant’s violation of the complainant’s user and interests as a result actions related to controversial content, blocking of content continues until the end of legal and other protection procedures established by law.

6.3. If within the period specified in clause 6.1. Of the time limit, Rambler will not receive from the complainant a copy of the clause 6.2. an act of authority blocking content is removed and the procedure for consideration of the complaint is terminated. In this case, we strongly recommend the use of operational means of communication, in particular, e-mail, sending scanned copies of these documents to send us the specified copies.

6.4. In case of consideration by a competent authority of the Russian Federation of a dispute, process or other proceeding connected with disputed content, the blocking of content continues until their completion in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

6.6. During the blocking period of the disputed content, the complainant has the right to recall the latter, after which the blocking of the content is removed and the complaint procedure is terminated.

6.7. During the blocking period of the disputed content, the user of Rambler, whose content is blocked, has the right to apply to Rambler with a request to delete the content, after which the content is deleted and the complaint procedure is terminated.

6.8. If the complainant or the user applies to the Rambler in accordance with para. 6.6 or 6.7. of these Regulations during consideration by the competent authorities of the Russian Federation of a dispute, process or other proceeding related to the disputed content, the relevant appeal must be sent to Rambler in writing by regular mail.

6.9. After the end of the consideration by the competent authorities of the Russian Federation of a dispute, process or other proceeding related to the disputed content, the interested party - the complainant or the Rambler user - in whose favor the relevant decision was made is required within 5 (five) working days from the date of receipt of such decisions to notify Rambler in writing of such a decision by sending via regular or e-mail a copy of the act of the authority with which the proceedings related to the disputed content ended. On the basis of and in accordance with the act received, Rambler either removes the controversial content or removes its blocking.

6.10. About all actions related to blocking and unblocking of the disputed content specified in this section, Rambler sends an appropriate notification by email to the complainant and the user of the disputed content.

7. Abuse of the complaints procedure 

Applicants are not allowed to abuse the possibilities of this procedure, namely: 

  • Repeatedly apply with respect to a single user, which does not lead to the petition of the applicant for judicial and other protection provided by law; 
  • repeatedly to file complaints that formally meet the requirements of these Regulations, but when checking they contain knowingly false information; 
  • falsify documents (including electronic) and information; 
  • use automatic mailing and / or robots to handle and / or communicate with Rambler. 

For the purpose of protecting the interests of the user, Rambler reserves the right not to consider complaints from persons abusing this procedure and violating the provisions of these Regulations. 8. Storage and confidentiality of information 

All documents and emails related to the complaint procedure, information about the start and end dates for blocking and deleting content are kept by Rambler for 5 (five) years. 

Rambler does not store electronic copies of remote content. 

Rambler does not disclose information on the course of the consideration of complaints, the content of blocked content and complaints and statements, except in cases established by applicable law and these Regulations. 

9. Responsible division of Rambler 

The implementation of these Regulations, the organization of the complaints procedure and its technical support is carried out by a specially authorized division of the Rambler support service. 

Contact form for contacting http://help.rambler.ru/feedback/rambler-help/form/120/ . This address is not intended to send or register complaints about illegal content. Complaints about illegal content received by him are not considered.

10. Final provisions 

The current version of the Regulation of December 24, 2010 entered into force on December 27, 2010 and is available on the Internet through the Internet link available at: http://help.rambler.ru/legal .

Rambler reserves the right to change the provisions of these Regulations by notifying in advance at the above address

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