

"This doesn't change anything between us. I will still hurt you if you touch my friends again."

You keep buttoning up your shirt. And you smile. Of course it doesn't change anything. One day she will hunt you down and there will be a showdown. One of you will die. You decided a long time ago that you won't be captured alive. Getting your throat torn out by Argent is much better than going back to the Farm. Never again.

"I'd be disappointed in you if it did change things between us."

You look at her, still smiling. She lies in bed, covered in satin bed sheets like a silvery titaness, still out of breath. Her voice is threatening, but her mind is relaxed. Good.

"Then why are you doing this? I know you don't like me that much to risk your identity and everything you worked for."

You think that maybe you should leave this one without an answer, but you lie down beside her instead. You look into her strange eyes, her reflective face changing expressions like quicksilver. It's a rare moment of quiet between the two of you.

"I do like you," you admit. "But you're right. The real reason I'm here is that I'm tired to death. Tired of pretending to be someone else. Tired of hiding. Tired of suppressing what I really feel."

Argent listens to you quietly and even without your telepathy you know she understands. This is a comfortable feeling, one you're not used to. How many people in the entire world could relate to what you feel every day?

"You know I'm not even a real person. And yet you're still here. I've never felt this before. It's..." You struggle to express your emotions so you close your eyes

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