


Hi Alexey, there is still so much that I ignore.. So I am going to be adding my questions here so its more comfortable for you. I hope I don´t scare you....

1- Is the 250W motor in the bad m365 models exactly the same as the m187?

2-Do you have any advancements regarding the Y-shaped connector for two batteries? will it have a switch to avoid using in parallel? Will the app display both?

3-Do I need anything else to put a 12s Battery? Do I need to reinstall the CFW?

4-When you release the lever fast, it unlocks the front wheel.. How does this reverse to normal state? In no-KERS mode, is it possible to accelerate? is still possible to set a cruise speed?

5-Does the motor heat up if I go down a hill in no-KERS mode? Does it give voltage back to the battery? Is it safe?

6-Does the CFW care about the elements temperature? Does it have measures to control it? Wich ones?

7-At what ambient temperature do you think it is unsafe to ride full power? here in Spain we reach 48º... it will be good to advice this.

8-Do my estimations about speed and thrust with each battery seem accurate to you? Also my estimations about battery range in each motor and mode?

9-Does the "Strangler hand grip brake":)) interfere with the ABS? Should the client adjust the back wheel brake accordingly? Does it have different levels of strenght depending of the top speed you set?

10-Any advice for people that are going to make their own batteries? Specific BMS? something different for 12s than 10s?

11-I heard someone talking about the KERS deactivating automatically when the scooter detects a down hill, Is this possible?

12-Is it necessary to make a downgrade to 1.3.0 before the installation? How is the downgrade done?

13-If the client wants to remove the mod and install the latest firmware, is as simple for him as updating as usual?

14-A really creative modder asked me this:

The memory adress where the scooter information is stored (total mileage, remaining battery, KERS mode, brake light...) will be the same on the CFW as stock?

Is for being able to read/send information on the scooter using a Bluetooth module connected to it, using the following link's library

15- I have a white scooter, does it matter?

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