


Help Villager - List

April 26, 2017


1. Fresh and Cute Carrots - 3.000πŸ’°

Ms.Lala: "I need Carrots for my cooking, a fresh one. I've bought some at Mario's but its smell awful"

Item requires:

- Carrot x10

2. Tomatoes for Doctor - 12.000πŸ’°

Dr.Barudu: "Help me, I need a lot of Tomatoes for my experiment. Can't tell you what kind of experiment but trust me it's safe"

Item requires:

- Tomato x20

3. Rabbit Love Carrot - 4.000πŸ’°

Nina: "My Rabbit Mr.Papino loved Carrot so much, too bad the market didn't sell it anymore, so I would like to know if someone can bring me some. Of course I will pay."

Item requires:

- Carrot x10

4. Something Special for Son - 10.000πŸ’°

Mrs.Linda: "I'm making something special for my son, I need some potatoes and a lot of eggs. Please help, I'll pay you a good amount of money."

Item requires:

- Potato x25

- Egg x5

5. Big Big Cucumber - 2.000πŸ’°

Madame Seila: "Looking for Cucumber, the big one will be great"

Item requires:

- Cucumber x1

6. Monkey Need Banana - 50.000πŸ’°

Mr.Monmon: "I just adopted a monkey (he's so cute) so I need some Bananas to feed him"

Item requires:

- Banana x6

7. Fish Collection - 10.000πŸ’°

Sunano: "Help, I need Tilapia for my fish collection, small medium big I need all of them!!"

Item requires:

- SmallTilapia x1

- MediumTilapia x1

- BigTilapia x1

8. Fish Collection 2 - 12.000πŸ’°

Sunano: "Help, I need Gourame for my fish collection, small medium big I need all of them!!"

Item requires:

- SmallGourami x1

- MediumGourami x1

- BigGourami x1

9. Crispy Baked Tilapia - 15.000πŸ’°

Nina o Lina: "I'm making Crispy Baked Tilapia, need MediumTilapia and some Tomatoes"

Item requires:

- Tomato x6

- MediumTilapia x1

10. Another Banana - 75.000πŸ’°

Mr.Monmon: "My monkey Pablo likes Banana so much, I need some more to feed him"

Item requires:

- Banana x8

11. Ten Catfishes - 20πŸ’Ž

Gustavo: "I need ten Catfishes for certain dish. Took me almost an hour only to catch one, so why not asking for some help?"

Item requires:

- Catfish x10

12. Naughty Little Brother - 100πŸ’Ž

Badu: ”I need something for my naughty little brother, I think a BabyAlligator and some GiantRedCrabs will be great!! I'll pay you a lot!!”

Item requires:

- BabyAlligator x1

- GiantRedCrab x10

13. Where Can I Find Cheese - 50.000πŸ’°

Kid Nouse: "I'm new in the village, do you know where can I buy Cheese? It's my favourite food"

Item requires:

- Cheese x5

14.Only Tilapia - 250.000πŸ’°

Eato: "I'm starving, and the only dish I want is TeriyakiTilapiaWithHerbSalad!!"

item requires:

- TeriyakiTilapiaWithHerbSalad x5

15. Important Research - 15πŸ’Ž

Dr.Roki: "Need some minerals for my research. Its very important for the existence of human race, so I need it soon. Oh, and some Orange too."

Item requires:

- Orange x5

- Copper x3

- Silver x2

- Gold x1

16. Valuable Mineral - 200.000πŸ’°

Dr.Roki: "You thought that Gold is the most valuable mineral you can get in the cave? Nope, lot of mineral has more value than Gold, and one of them is Iridium. Give me 5 and I'll pay you a lot"

item requires:

- Iridium x5

17. Valuable Mineral 2 - 1.000.000πŸ’°

Dr.Roki: "You know what's even more valuable than Iridium? Platinum!! Give me 10 and I'll pay you a lot"

item requires:

- Platinum x10

18. GoatMilk and Egg - 50.000πŸ’°

Garo: "Someone told me that if you mix GoatMilk into a FriedEgg, it will be much more healty, so I would like to try it"

Item requires:

- Egg x20

- GoatMilk x5

19. GoatMilk is Better - 60.000πŸ’°

Kimi Kid: "I don't get it, CowMilk isn't that good! GoatMilk should be much more expensive! Man I will pay 2x CowMilk price for it"

Item requires:

- GoatMilk x10

20. Gemstone Bundle 1 - 1.460.000πŸ’°

Madame Richrich: "((translation on process))"

item requires:

- Jeremejevite x1

- FireOpal x1

- Poudretteite x1

21. Gemstone Bundle 2 - 6.000.000πŸ’°

Madame Richrich: "((translation on process))"

item requires:

- Benitoite x1

- Musgravite x1

- RedBeryl x1

22. Gemstone Bundle 3 - 18.000.000πŸ’°

Madame Richrich: "((translation on process))"

item requires:

- Alexandrite x1

- Diamond x1

- Serendibite x1

23. Gemstone Bundle 4 - 77.500.000πŸ’°

Madame Richrich: "((translation on process))"

item requires:

- Grandidierite x1

- Taaffeite x1

- RedDiamond x1

24. StrawberryMan - 20πŸ’Ž

StrawberryMan: "Hi! I'm StrawberryMan and I need 1000 Strawberries to build my own Strawberry Soldier!!"

Item requires:

- Strawberry x1.000

25. StrawberryMan 2 - 50πŸ’Ž

StrawberryMan: "Hi! Remember me!? 1000 Strawberries just aren't enough, I need 5000!!"

item requires:

- Strawberry x5.000

26. StrawberryMan 3 - 75πŸ’Ž

StrawberryMan: "Hi! I need more Strawberry!! Gimme 10000!!"

item requires:

- Strawberry x10.000

27. AppleMan - 500.000πŸ’°

AppleMan: "Don't you dare call me AppleBoy you poor little farmer!! Gimme 100 Apples, I want to beat that StrawberryKid!!"

item requires:

- Apple x100

28. Fish Collection 3 - 120πŸ’Ž

Sunano: "Help, I need Alligator (Yes!! A freaking Alligator!!) for my fish collection, baby medium giant I need all of them!!"

item requires:

- BabyAlligator x1

- Alligator x1

- GiantAlligator x1

29. Papas Revenge - 150πŸ’Ž

Mr.Yoshida: "A monster killed my son!! Hell I'll give you anything if you can bring me its head!!"

item requires:

- RiverMonster x1

30. Pineapple on Pizza - 60.000πŸ’°

Moronicus Barbarus: "Hei, I would like to put some Pineapple on top of my pizza. So what!? I like that!"

item requires:

- Pineapple x10

31. Fish Collection 4 - 40πŸ’Ž

Sunano: "Help, I need Arowana for my fish collection, baby and mother I need all of them!! Oh and Turtle too!!"

item requires:

- Turtle x1

- BabyArowana x1

- MotherArowana x1

32. Monster Hunter - 300πŸ’Ž

Droco: "I am a super strong man but still I need some help to eliminate these monsters!!"

item requires:

- RiverMonster x1

- OldMonster x1

- LakeMonster x1

33. AppleMan 2 - 50πŸ’Ž

AppleMan: "How can that StrawberryKid has that many Strawberries!? Gimme 500 more!!"

item requires:

- Apple x1.000

34. Best Fruit in the World - 1.000.000πŸ’°

Baba theBananaGuy: "How is Banana the best fruit in the world? Because it's Banana! I need 100 Bananas"

item requires:

- Banana x100

35. Where Is My Honey - 100.000πŸ’°

Madame Somebee: "Why is nobody selling Honey on the market? Bring me some and I'll pay you more than you should get"

item requires:

- Honey x30

36. Expensive Fruit - 1.000.000πŸ’°

FarmerFap: "Three of the most expensive fruit you can have: Banana, Pineapple, Watermelon, give me 10 each"

item requires:

- Banana x10

- Pineapple x10

- Watermelon x10

37. Expensive Fruit 2 - 10.000.000πŸ’°

FarmerFap: "Three of the most expensive fruit you can have: Banana, Pineapple, Watermelon, give me 50 each"

item requires:

- Banana x50

- Pineapple x50

- Watermelon x50

38. Diamond Collection - 100.000.000πŸ’°

Collector Alfonso: "I need these rare piece of gems to fulfill my special collection. They are so hard to find but hey! I'm the richest man in the town"

item requires:

- Diamond x3

- RedDiamond x2

- BlackDiamond x1

39. Is It Even Real - 250πŸ’Ž

Heru: "People keep telling me that these metal only exist in comic books, but what if they are wrong? Our mineral cave is full of miracle after all. I can't give money but I have a lot of gems"

item requires:

- Adamantium x1

- Vibranium x1

40. Sea Creature - 25πŸ’Ž

Mr.Fishmen: "Aha! Have you been to the bay? Some fish lived there, the one you will never find in any river. Catch some and I'll pay you with gem"

item requires:

- Salmon x10

- SeaTurtle x5

- Lobster x5

- BlueLobster x1

41. Thousand Year Creatures - 300πŸ’Ž

OldLim: "How come a turtle can live for thousand of years??? I need lots of turtle from different ages as a sample for my research"

item requires:

- Turtle x100

- 500YearsTurtle x10

- 1000YearsTurtle x1

42. Thousand Year Creatures 2 - 100πŸ’Ž

OldLim: "Research using freshwater turtle turns out doesn't give any result, perhaps I would have succeed if I use SeaTurtle"

item requires:

- SeaTurtle x200

43. Milk or GoatMilk - 50πŸ’Ž

Alice: "People are arguing about which one is better between Milk and GoatMilk, why not both?"

item requires:

- GoatMilk x200

- Milk x200

44. Ancient Fossil - 25.000.000πŸ’°

Arta: "Hello I am Arthur, a researcher from Museum of Maiton, I heard that in this village often found some rare fossil from ancient times, I need some for research materials"

item requires:

- AncientHumanFossil x5

- MammothFossil x1

45. Egg and Egg - 100πŸ’Ž

Chiki: "I need some egg to be hatch, anyone who has much DuckEgg and Egg I would bought them, thanks"

item requires:

- Egg x500

- DuckEgg x500

46. Seafood - 100πŸ’Ž

Beachie: "I need some seafood for my beach party next week, please help"

item requires:

- LobsterSpicyPotatoes x10

- SalmonHoneySauce x5

- LobsterSpicyPotatoesSpecial x1

47. Building Material - 100πŸ’Ž

Bople: "Hi, I am a new resident in this village and will move in soon but I have some lack of house material problem. Can you help me?"

item requires:

- Gravel x600

- Stone x400

48. Building Material 2 - 75πŸ’Ž

Bople: "Hello again, my house is finished but I forgot to build a bathroom. Every morning I have to go to the lake to handle my bussines. So the point is I need a few more stones and gravels"

item requires:

- Gravel x500

- Stone x300

49. Dinosaur Collection - 250πŸ’Ž

Arta: "((translation in process))"

item requires:

- VelociraptorFossil x200

- TriceratopsFossil x100

- TyrannosaurusRexFossil x50

50. Unobtainable Mineral - 250.000.000πŸ’°

Prof Johnson: "((translation in process))"

item requires:

- Unobtanium x1

51. Endangered Species - 250.000.000πŸ’°

Collector Alfonso: "((translation in process))"

item requires:

- Rhinoceros x1

52. Butterfly Lover - 150πŸ’Ž

Aristkh: "((translation in process))"

item requires:

- Butterfly x300

53. Bananaman 2 - 200πŸ’Ž

Bananaman: "((translation in process))"

item requires:

- Gorilla x50


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